
10 Secrets Sauce: The Art of Public Speaking

Public Secrets: How To Have Unshakable Confidence When Speaking To A Group Of People

Public speaking is an art form that can feel intimidating and nerve-wracking for many. Whether it’s presenting in front of a large audience or leading a team meeting, the ability to speak confidently and effectively is a valuable skill to possess. In this article, we will uncover 10 secrets to help you develop unshakable confidence when facing a crowd. So, let’s dive right in!

Public Speaking Secret #1: Speaker Is Made, Not Born

A common misconception about public speaking is that it’s a natural talent that some are born with. However, the truth is that public speaking is a skill that can be learned and developed over time. Great speakers are made, not born. By understanding this fundamental truth, you can free yourself from the self-imposed pressure of feeling inadequate. Embrace the fact that with practice and dedication, you too can become a powerful and confident speaker.

Public Speaking Secret #2: Eliminate Stage Fright

One of the biggest obstacles to confident public speaking is stage fright. The fear of being judged or making mistakes can cause anxiety and hinder your performance. The key to overcoming stage fright is to shift your focus away from yourself and onto your audience. Instead of worrying about how you look or sound, concentrate on serving your audience and delivering value. Remember, it’s not about you; it’s about the message you have to share.

Public Speaking Secret #3: Condition Yourself Before Speaking

Highly successful individuals understand the power of conditioning themselves for peak performance. Just like professional athletes, you can tap into power moves that put you in the right state of mind before speaking. Take the time to develop your own pre-speech routine that helps you get into a confident and focused mindset. Whether it’s deep breathing exercises, visualization techniques, or power poses, find what works for you and make it a part of your preparation.

Public Speaking Secret #4: Get Clear About The Outcome

Before stepping on stage, it’s crucial to define the desired outcome of your speech. Are you there to sell, entertain, inform, or inspire? By having a clear objective in mind, you can tailor your content and delivery to effectively connect with your audience. Remember, less is more. Don’t try to cram too many ideas into one speech. Instead, focus on a few key points that align with your desired outcome and deliver them with impact.

Public Speaking Secret #5: Get out of the BLACK BOX

Don’t confine yourself to a small space on stage. Use the entire stage to your advantage. Walk towards the audience, engage with different sections of the room, and break free from the confines of a podium. By physically moving and using the stage, you create a dynamic and engaging presence that captivates your audience’s attention. So, step out of the black box and let your energy fill the room.

Public Speaking Secret #6: Dress Well

Your appearance plays a significant role in how you’re perceived by your audience. Dressing well not only boosts your confidence but also enhances your credibility. Remember the four criteria your audience examines you on: what you do, what you say, how you say it, and how you look. When you look good, you feel good, and that translates into better performance. So, invest in your wardrobe and dress in a way that reflects professionalism and enhances your presence on stage.

Public Speaking Secret #7: Don’t let the audience spread out too much

To ensure an engaged and responsive audience, it’s essential to create a sense of unity and connection. Avoid having people scattered throughout a large room with dozens of empty chairs. Instead, encourage your audience to come together and become one cohesive group. By bringing the audience closer physically, you create a collective energy that amplifies your message. So, don’t let your audience spread out too much; bring them together for a more impactful experience.

Public Speaking Bonus Secret #8: Have a GREAT opening and ending

The beginning and end of your speech are crucial because they leave a lasting impression on your audience. Make sure you have a strong opening that grabs their attention and sets the tone for your entire presentation. You don’t have to rely on jokes to engage your audience. Instead, consider personalizing your opening by talking about some people in the audience or the group that invited you. Alternatively, you can give an example that provokes curiosity or promises them a benefit. Finally, always remember to have a powerful closing that leaves your audience with a clear takeaway or call to action.

Public Speaking Bonus Secret #9: Tell Stories

Stories have a unique power to captivate an audience’s attention and make your message memorable. Rather than simply relaying information, paint a vivid picture in their minds through storytelling. Use concrete examples and affirming stories that relate to your topic. Allow your audience to experience the emotions and visualize the scenarios you describe. By incorporating storytelling into your speeches, you create a deeper connection with your audience and make your message resonate.

Public Speaking Bonus Secret #10: Over-Practice

Practice is essential to deliver a flawless and confident speech. Make use of different practice techniques to refine your delivery. Practice in front of a mirror to work on your body language and facial expressions. Record yourself on a camera to observe and improve your performance. Say your speech to supportive individuals such as your spouse or parents to gain valuable feedback. Each time you practice, you’ll discover opportunities to enhance your speech, whether it’s adding something, removing something, or re-arranging the order of your presentation. Practice makes progress.

Important Monthly Assignments

To further enhance your public speaking skills, here are some important monthly assignments to help you grow:

Step 1: Immerse Yourself Into Sifu’s Teaching

  • Binge-watch all of my videos on YouTube (
  • Watch a minimum of three videos per day.
  • Remember, a doer is a lifelong learner, so make learning a consistent habit.
  • Don’t forget to connect and introduce yourself on the DOD FB Group.

Step 2: Re-Program Your Mind For Wealth

  • Start each morning with an “Attitude of Gratitude” video to cultivate a mindset of abundance.
  • Mid-day, watch “Millionaire Mindset – Daily Power Affirmations” to reinforce positive beliefs.
  • Before bed, program your subconscious mind for success and wealth.
  • Utilize the “Millionaire Mind Programming” playlist.
  • Read the DOER Creed once a day to instill empowering beliefs.

Step 3: Craft a 10-minute speech about your story

  • Reflect on where you came from, the life lessons you’ve learned, and what shaped who you are today.
  • Share any mistakes you have made, gratitude for your experiences, and the impact they had on your growth.
  • Practice delivering this speech in front of a mirror at least a dozen times.
  • Incorporate all the valuable lessons and techniques that you have learned from Sifu.

Step 4: Practice Your Body Language

  • Learn to walk around the room confidently as if you were on stage.
  • Imagine the audience is in front of you as you practice in your room.
  • Utilize hand gestures and vary your tonality to add emphasis and engagement.
  • Practice slowly and repeat your motions multiple times to refine your movements.

Step 5: Find a LOCAL Toastmasters Club

  • Attend a few different Toastmasters Clubs to find one that resonates with you.
  • Make a commitment to attend at least once a week.
  • Challenge yourself by volunteering for different roles within the club.
  • Push yourself outside of your comfort zone to grow as a speaker.

Step 6: Mark This On Your Calendar

  • The next Dan On Demand Training is scheduled for August 7th, 2019, at 6:00 pm Pacific Time.

In conclusion, developing unshakable confidence in public speaking is a journey that requires dedication, practice, and continuous learning. By applying the 10 secrets we’ve explored, you can transform yourself into a powerful and effective speaker. Remember to personalize your speeches, tell stories, and make use of power moves to condition yourself for success. With persistence and the right mindset, you’ll become a master of the art of public speaking. So, go out there and captivate your audience with confidence, passion, and authenticity.

  • Perplexity: Speaking to a group of people can be an intimidating experience, but with the right techniques and mindset, you can develop unshakable confidence and become a powerful public speaker.
  • Burstiness: Confidence comes from focusing on serving your audience rather than worrying about yourself, using power moves to condition yourself for peak performance, and dressing well to enhance your presence on stage.
  • Predictability: By eliminating stage fright, getting clear about the outcome, utilizing the stage, and telling engaging stories, your audience will be captivated from beginning to end. Remember to practice, find a supportive Toastmasters club, and immerse yourself Sifu’s teachings to enhance your skills

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