20 Powerful Ways to Get Him Obsessed with You, According to Psychology

If you have a new boyfriend or crush, it’s no surprise you want him to be obsessed with you—in a healthy way, of course. We’re here to help you make sure he thinks of you just as often as you think of him. Keep reading for the best tips and tricks to make him obsessed with you, from increasing your self-confidence to showing him you’re interested. You’ll have him wrapped around your finger in no time.

Things You Should Know

Make him obsessed with you by being confident. He’ll see that you’re not afraid to be yourself and want to get to know you better.

Show genuine interest by listening and supporting him. If he knows that you like him, he’ll like you more, too.

Be flirty. Everyone wants to feel attractive, so don’t be afraid to playfully tease him.

1. Make him feel special: When you’re with him, give him your undivided attention. Let him see that he’s your main focus, avoiding distractions like your phone or other people. By showing him that he’s important to you, he’ll be more inclined to invest in the relationship and reciprocate your attention.

2. Be an active listener: Engaging in meaningful conversations is crucial. Show that you care by truly listening, asking thoughtful questions, and responding with empathy. This not only makes him feel valued but also deepens your connection, as he’ll appreciate that you genuinely care about his thoughts and feelings.

3. Show him how fun you are: Let your true personality shine and don’t be afraid to take risks. Being open and enjoying yourself makes you more approachable and interesting. When he sees how much fun you can have, he’ll be eager to share in those experiences with you, creating memorable moments together.

4. Show genuine interest: Don’t play hard to get; let him know you like him. Demonstrating genuine interest without playing games builds trust and encourages him to open up to you. When he knows you’re sincerely interested, he’ll feel more confident in reciprocating those feelings and pursuing a deeper connection.

5. Be unpredictable: Keep things exciting by introducing new experiences and breaking routines. Whether it’s a spontaneous road trip or a new activity, unpredictability keeps the relationship fresh. This sense of adventure not only makes him think of you fondly but also strengthens your bond through shared novel experiences.

6. Find out what you have in common: Discovering and engaging in shared interests fosters a deeper connection. While it’s important to maintain individual hobbies, common activities and values create a solid foundation for your relationship. These shared experiences and values make him feel more connected and attracted to you.

7. Make him feel attractive: Everyone wants to feel desired, so show him how much you like him through both words and actions. Compliment him and express your attraction, but more importantly, demonstrate it through affectionate gestures. This makes him feel valued and encourages him to reciprocate those feelings.

8. Be vulnerable: Open up about your fears and insecurities, showing him your authentic self. Vulnerability fosters trust and allows him to feel comfortable sharing his own feelings with you. By letting him see your true self, you create a deeper emotional connection, making your relationship more meaningful.

9. Show him he can rely on you: Trust is foundational in any relationship. By being open, honest, and empathetic, you demonstrate that you’re someone he can depend on. Offering support and showing that you care about his well-being builds a sense of security, making him more committed to you.

10. Make him smile: Happiness is attractive, and making him smile strengthens your bond. Whether through jokes, meaningful gifts, or kind gestures, making him happy makes you more appealing. He’ll associate you with positive feelings and will be drawn to spending more time with you.

11. Be confident: Confidence is incredibly attractive. Embrace your true self and don’t be afraid to stand out. By being confident in who you are, you show him that you’re self-assured and authentic, qualities that are highly appealing and magnetic.

12. Be flirty: Flirting is a fun way to show your interest. Use playful teasing, light touches, and direct compliments to keep the spark alive. Flirting not only shows that you’re interested but also keeps the excitement in the relationship, making him want to spend more time with you.

13. Be supportive: Show your support through both good times and bad. Learn about his interests and encourage his goals. Being his cheerleader strengthens your relationship and shows him that you’re someone he can rely on, making him more inclined to stay close to you.

14. Create healthy boundaries: Respecting each other’s personal space is crucial. Communicate your needs and respect his, ensuring a balanced and healthy relationship. Boundaries help maintain individuality while fostering a respectful and supportive dynamic, which is essential for long-term attraction.

15. Maintain independence: Retain your sense of self and don’t lose sight of your own life and interests. Spending time apart ensures that the novelty doesn’t wear off and keeps the relationship exciting. Independence shows that you’re strong and self-reliant, qualities that are highly attractive.

16. Surprise him: Small acts of kindness and surprise gestures show you care. These don’t have to be grand gestures; simple things like picking up his favorite coffee can make a big impact. Surprises keep the relationship fresh and demonstrate your thoughtfulness, making him feel appreciated.

17. Be honest: Authenticity is key in building a strong connection. Open communication about your feelings and listening with empathy fosters mutual respect. Honesty ensures that both of you feel valued and understood, creating a solid foundation for your relationship.

18. Be mysterious: Keep some things to yourself initially to pique his interest. Reveal details gradually to keep him curious and engaged. This mystery can make him more eager to get to know you, maintaining a sense of intrigue in your relationship.

19. Love yourself: Self-love enhances your attractiveness. When you take care of yourself physically and mentally, it shows. Confidence and self-respect are incredibly appealing, and loving yourself sets a positive example for the relationship, encouraging mutual respect and admiration.

20. Let him help you: Allow him to feel needed by accepting his offers of help. This shows that you value his support and want to include him in your life. Making him feel needed strengthens his investment in the relationship and builds a deeper connection.

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