3 Ways to Magnetically Hook Your Audience and Keep Them Listening

When you step onto the stage or in front of the people you’re about to present to…
You only have 10 seconds to captivate their attention or they’ll mentally tune out and stop listening.
So to stand out and get their attention, you can use a prop; a physical item that feels misplaced to the audience.
You see, most people live their lives on autopilot mode; they have a certain expectation of things and they go through the same routine every day.
So when you can do or say something that’s odd to them, you’ve created what’s called a “pattern interrupt” and “forced” the audience to pay attention to you.
Example: Imagine you’re doing a presentation about smoking and how to quit it, what would be a good pattern interrupt? To pull out a cigarette and almost light it in the beginning.
Now, if you have seen any of my presentations, you might think I don’t have any props. However, I do…

My red suit.
It’s different than what everybody else does, and it makes me stand out.
Now, you might be thinking…
“Okay Dan, but what do I do right after using my prop?” We’ll discuss that in the next powerful way to magnetically hook your audience, which is…
One of the best ways to capture people’s attention and keep them hooked is by interacting with them…
Especially in the first minute. How can you do that?
You can ask a provocative question that gets them thinking, but don’t require them to answer like…
“Imagine you quit smoking today. What would happen to your health and how much money would you have saved 12 months from now?
“Oh, you think smoking is cool? Well, let me tell you something…”
You can ask them a benefit-driven question…
“Are you excited to know how to ______, raise your hand and say “Oh yeah!”
“Raise your hand if you want to know exactly how to ______.”
Or you can ask them a direct question…“Have you heard of ______ before?”
“What are some of the things you’ve heard about Smoking? Just yell out the answer.”
When you interact with your audience, it “forces” them to listen to you. Because, if your best friend came up and started talking to you, would you ignore it?
Try it out and experience the results for yourself.
Contrary to popular belief, the human brain has not been wired to connect with statistics and data…It has been wired to connect with stories. Back in the caveman days, the tribe would sit together around the campfire and talk about stories…How the hunters found food, or how somebody discovered a new area to explore.
Now, let me ask you…
When you go to the cinema, what is your movie of choice; a documentary or a fictional movie like Star Wars?
It’s probably the fictional movie.
Because it has a story with a character the audience can either relate to or look up to as a role model.
And that’s not everything…You see, stories are one of the best forms of proof to back up your message and have the audience buying into it.
So how can you use stories in your presentation or speech to hook your audience and get them to buy into your message?
Going back to my smoking example, instead of saying “Research show that smoking kills”…
You can tell a real story about how a mother of two overcame lung cancer by quitting smoking entirely and Can now participate in her kids’ graduation ceremony. Once you implement stories into your communication And presentations, you’ll find that the audience will keep them listening..
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