
A Quickstart Guide to Secret Copywriting: 6 Tools and Techniques

Dan On Demand™ is NOT about theory. Dan On Demand™ is about implementation. That means after each Dan On Demand™ training, you want to implement the following immediately. 

For Copywriting Secrets™, here’s what to implement.


Remember how we talked about using pain more than you use pleasure when you sell? Well here’s how to find out the REAL pain of your prospects. Not the surface level stuff.

You ready?


Well it all starts with asking yourself the right questions. Why? 

Because the quality of questions you ask determine the quality of answers you get. 

So what do most people ask when they want to know the pain-points of their audience? 

Well, most people would ask:

“What are my prospects pain-points?” Now that question is okay, but we can do better.

For you, I want you to ask: After a long day, what do my prospects complain about with their best friends?

If you’re in the fitness industry, you want to think about what people complain about when it comes to their fitness. If you’re in the personal finance space, think about what people would complain about when it comes to their finance. Whatever your industry is, think about what people complain about when it’s just them and their best friend.

After listing out say, a dozen most common things your ideal prospect complains, you then want to add these pain-points to your marketing / sales message. The purpose is to make your prospect feel understood.

Why do you want your prospects to feel understood? 

When people feel understood and they feel like you know their pain, they automatically assume you have the solution.


One of the core teachings of our Copywriting Secrets™ training was you MUST find a way to differentiate yourself. You can do this by offering a guarantee no one else in your industry is doing. You can do this by being hyperspecific with the niche you serve. You can do this in a lot of ways. 

So how can you implement this?

Well I challenge you to write out 3 ways you are completely different in your market compared to your competitors. If you get stuck, it’s okay. 

What you want to do is research online on how other people maybe in another city, another country, another industry are differentiating themselves. Then what do you do? That’s right! You swipe the idea and tailor it to what you do.


You may or may not realize this, but did you know for a stranger who doesn’t know you, there is a lot of risk doing business with you?

Just think. 

People work very hard for their money. So what if you don’t deliver on your promises or meet their expectations?

Well, people are scared if they work with you and you don’t help them, they’re going to feel taken advantage of. They’re going to feel dumb. They’re going to have to explain to their friends, partners and colleagues why they picked you and you didn’t end up helping them. They’re going to have to spend all this time going to find someone else who can actually help them. They’re going to have a drop in self-esteem. And they’re going to feel like they’ve wasted their money.

That’s why guarantees are so important.

If you can offer a guarantee that removes the risk for your prospects – that gives you a MASSIVE advantage. 

So, ask yourself

“What are all the risks a prospect has when doing business with me and how can I create a guarantee that makes them feel like they have nothing to lose and everything to gain when working with me?”

Let’s see how creative you can get!

Now if you’re already established in your industry, you may not need a guarantee. Why? Because your track record will be enough to feel like there is low / no risk in working with you.

However, if you’re if you’re newer to your industry or you don’t have a strong track record, you need a strong guarantee. .


Because a strong guarantee can make the difference between you not having ANY business VS you having more business than you can manage. So if you don’t have a strong guarantee, take this exercise seriously. Sit down and DEEPLY think about something you can offer your prospects and makes them feel completely comfortable working with you.


It doesn’t matter if you want to be an expert copywriter or not. That’s not the point of this exercise. The point of this exercise is to help you get a feel for what good advertising sounds like. And once you get a good feel, you’ll naturally do it more when you’re working on your own advertising and marketing. 

My recommendation is for you to write a winning advertising / piece of marketing from a brand / someone successful in your industry. 

If you don’t have anyone successful in your industry who you can model, you can start with writing the famous “Wall Street Journal Ad” we talked about by hand.


Somewhere on your computer, start a new folder. In this folder, gather 10 pieces of successful campaigns from your industry which you can swipe. 

How do you know if a campaign has been successful in your industry or not?

Well, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this. Here are a few key signs a campaign is worth it for you to swipe:

  • The campaign has a lot of shares, likes and comments on Facebook
  • The campaign has been running for a long time. The thinking is if an ad has been running for a long time, typically, it means the campaign itself is producing the business owner a good ROI. This is usually the case, but not always.
  • The campaign makes YOU feel like: “Holy crap. This is so good, I would work with this person / company / brand after seeing this”
Copywriting Secret Quickstart guide

Here are a few places you can start building your swipe file:

  • Sales letters – WWW.SWIPED.CO
  • Facebook Ads – HTTPS://ADESPRESSO.COM/ 
  • Subscribe to different competitors’ email lists

Once you have your first 10 ads your swipe, use it the next time you’re creating something for your marketing.

Now, you start with 10 pieces of advertising in your swipe file. But you want to keep growing this swipe file as time goes on to as many as you can.


Don’t be the lone-wolf. As a Dan On Demand™ member, you have access to a worldwide network of like-minded men and women you can Lean on. 

So take advantage of this fact – whenever you can, share your goals, the actions you are going to take, and keep the group updated on your progress. This will keep you accountable and ensure you follow-through with your actions. 

And don’t worry about not having the perfect post. The Dan On Demand™ family is NOT here to judge. The Dan On Demand™ family is here to help you become the best version of yourself.

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