
Skyrocket Your Sales: Proven Sales Letter Template

The Fastest Way to Increase Conversions, Guaranteed!

A well-crafted sales letter is a CRITICAL part of any online business. It’s the moment where the rubber meets the road.

Sales letters template

When you ask for the sale. In our digital world, the face-to-face sales experience is gone. It’s been replaced by a completely automated bull “one too many” sales presentation that we call a sales letter. It’s salesmanship in print. Without a sales letter your odds of selling anything are close to zero. It’s the guaranteed way to not sell your stuff. WITH a sales letter, your chances of generating income increase exponentially. With the right sales letter that converts for your audience? All you have to do is keep the traffic flowing and the sales will continue to show up day in and day out.

Last note before we get started. If your audience doesn’t want the thing that you’re selling, a sales letter will not save you. Ever heard the expression “can’t polish a turd”? Well… I hate that expression. But it’s so true that I had to share it here because it has impact.Here’s the positive alternative. Sell products your audience already wants (or even better, sell what they are already buying).
Always rememberYour sales letter is not designed to create desire.

It is the mechanism that walks a visitor through the process (mostly emotional) of buying the thing that will help them solve a specific problem or fulfill a pre-existing desire. No hype needed. But there are several specific conversion components required.

And many of them are required in the right order or else the sales letter won’t work. Which is why you are here, right now. To efficiently create a sales letter that has a high likelihood of converting based on the template you will go through below. Follow the formula you will learn here today and publish your sales letter quickly. Then, begin the next sales letter for your next product. Because you need to test to find out what “things” your audience is willing to pull out their credit card for and purchase. Your first product idea is probably not going to be the one that scales your business.
Testing is key.
Building the skill of copywriting is key.
Crafting several new sales letters in the next month is a guaranteed way to test more ideas and build the skill of copywriting. And that’s the 1 skill that truly changed everything for me.

I’m a big fan of reverse engineering.
Because it’s a highly effective way of creating success.
You look at things that are working for other people, figure out WHY it works, then adapt it to fit your needs. It’s not stealing other people’s ideas or robbing you of your own creativity…it’s figuring out what works. For example, there are a lot of different kinds of wheels out there…different sizes, different materials, different designs…
But you know what? 
They’re all round.
Because that’s what works.
To figure out what works in the world of sales letters, My team and I did a deep dive into the jungle of sales letters on the internet. We wanted to know: What are the essential components of highly effective sales letters today? And based on that work, we created this guide to help you craft a sales letter that converts. And I’m actually calling this a WORKSHOP because I want you to complete work while going through this! Don’t just read and think about it…that’s not going to move your business forward.
CREATE as you go.
If you do, you’ll have built an asset by the end that can generate income!!
Looking at long form sales letters can be intimidating
at first…especially if writing hasn’t always been your strong suit.
The thing to remember is that most complex things are just a collection of simple things stacked on top of each other,
A car is really just a collection of parts that all work together to get you from point A to point B.
A sales letter is just the same.
These parts, stacked together like Legos, help a prospect move from “Well, I don’t know” to “Yes, I want this…here’s my money!”
What are those parts? I’m glad you asked.

Almost all sales pitches have these components:

1. Headline
2. A description of the problem your customer wants to solve
3. An explanation of your solution and why yours is the best fit for them
4. Proof that your solution works
5. Your offer
6. Your guarantee
7. A Call to Action (What your customer should do next)
8. A reason that they should purchase now
9. Images and graphics

This template has been proven by years of testing, millions of visits and millions of dollars in sales.
And this doesn’t have to be an extremely long page. Each of these main blocks often requires less than a couple hundred words of copy …
I have sales pages that are less than 2,000 words and they convert extremely well.
If your products are more expensive, generally, this means they will need more words to justify the value …
A $7 – $47 product can often use less copy than a $97 to $197 product.
Asking someone out for coffee might not take a lot of time and persuasion.
Asking them to marry you? Well, that requires a bigger investment!
Simple stuff, right?
We are about to dig into all the components next.
Let’s go!

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