
6 Essential Secrets for Flowing Relationships

Contrary to most conventional wisdom, it’s not your looks, your money, your job, or even your luck that’s going to land you that great relationship and keep it sizzling. No, the secret is all in your attitude. Here are my Six Essential Secrets For “Flowing” Relationships.

Stop Competing with Each Other!
Good relationships are all about being on the same side. What’s the purpose in scoring all those points? Sure, you may cross the finish line first today, and maybe tomorrow as well. But you’ll be all alone when you do, and if you carry on this way, eventually, you may not have anyone left in your life to compete with! So stop competing; stop player-hating; start concentrating on crossing that finish line as part of a winning team.

When you’re in a relationship, it’s important to remember that your partner is not your rival but your ally. By focusing on mutual success rather than individual victories, you build a foundation of trust and support. This approach nurtures a partnership where both individuals feel valued and understood. Moreover, collaboration fosters a sense of unity, making it easier to face challenges together. The next time you find yourself in a disagreement, think about how you can resolve it as a team rather than as opponents.

Listen, Communicate, and Hear!
One of my favorite parts of my great relationship period is to sit and chat with my wife. We talk about big stuff, and small stuff; share plans and pains, and each of us engages with what the other is saying. We never use silence as a weapon, and we never go to bed mad. Master the simple art of real conversation, and your relationship is halfway home!

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any thriving relationship. It’s not just about talking but about truly listening and responding with empathy. When partners make a habit of discussing their feelings and thoughts openly, they create a safe space where both can express themselves without fear of judgment. This practice can prevent misunderstandings and resentment from building up. Make it a priority to check in with your partner regularly, ensuring that both of you feel heard and appreciated.

Secrets for Flowing Relationships

Understand a Relationship is Not About “Ownership”
This is probably the most common personal problem I come across. Possessiveness and jealousy are two of the most destructive of all human forces. Very few relationships will survive the poison of this twin-horned devil. Let it go!

Healthy relationships thrive on trust and mutual respect. When one partner tries to control the other, it creates an environment of fear and insecurity. Instead, focus on building trust by giving each other space and freedom. Encourage your partner’s independence and personal growth, which, in turn, will strengthen your bond. Remember, a relationship should enhance your life, not restrict it. By letting go of possessiveness, you allow your relationship to flourish naturally.

Pay Yourself First Every Day!
The most important relationship of all is the one you have with yourself! That means taking care of your body, mind, and spirit every single day. It’s simply called self-respect. I can guarantee you, that if you don’t care for yourself, then few others will. Why should they? If you’ve already demonstrated your own low self-esteem, who am I, or anyone else, to argue with that? Take care of yourself first each day, in order to be strong enough to take care of the people you care about.

Self-care is not selfish; it’s essential. When you prioritize your well-being, you equip yourself to be a better partner. Engage in activities that nurture your body and mind, such as exercise, meditation, or pursuing hobbies you love. By maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself, you set a positive example for your partner and encourage them to do the same. This mutual respect and care create a balanced, fulfilling relationship where both individuals thrive.

Put the Romance Back!
You just can’t beat it. A romantic gesture says: “At this moment, I am thinking 100% of you, and your needs, and I want to do everything I can to please you.” It also says a great deal about your own self-esteem. You’d be amazed how many people are motivated to make romantic gestures because of the praise they’ll receive, not the pleasure they’ll give. That isn’t romance, it’s selfish. Learn to discern. Become a Master of Romance. It’ll spice up your life!

Romance is the spark that keeps a relationship exciting and vibrant. Small acts of love and appreciation can make a big difference in how connected you feel to your partner. Plan surprise dates, write love notes, or simply spend quality time together without distractions. These gestures show your partner that you value them and are willing to invest time and effort into your relationship. By keeping the romance alive, you maintain a strong emotional connection that withstands the test of time.

Secrets for Flowing Relationships

Learn How to Bend, But Never So Far That You Snap
Relationships are all about give and take. It’s OK to bend with the wind sometimes. That’s the nature of the dance. But it’s not OK to bow over so far, so often, and so low, that you get worn down, weaken, and snap. Learn how much to give, how much to take, and when to walk away.

Flexibility and compromise are essential in any relationship. However, it’s crucial to maintain your boundaries and not sacrifice your values or well-being for the sake of harmony. Understanding your limits and communicating them clearly helps prevent resentment and burnout. A healthy relationship involves both partners working together to find solutions that respect each other’s needs and boundaries. Remember, it’s okay to prioritize your well-being and walk away from situations that consistently drain you.


How can I stop competing with my partner?
To stop competing with your partner, focus on collaboration and mutual support. Recognize that you are on the same team and work together towards common goals. Open communication and a shift in mindset from competition to cooperation can help create a more harmonious relationship.

What are some effective ways to improve communication in a relationship?
Improving communication involves active listening, expressing yourself clearly, and creating a safe space for open dialogue. Regular check-ins, empathy, and avoiding the use of silence as a weapon are key practices. Make an effort to understand your partner’s perspective and validate their feelings.

Why is possessiveness harmful in a relationship?
Possessiveness breeds insecurity and distrust, creating an unhealthy dynamic. It restricts personal growth and can lead to controlling behaviors. Trust and mutual respect are crucial for a healthy relationship, allowing both partners to feel valued and free to be themselves.

What does “pay yourself first” mean in the context of relationships?
“Pay yourself first” means prioritizing self-care and maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself. By taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, you are better equipped to contribute positively to your relationship and support your partner.

How can I rekindle romance in my relationship?
To rekindle romance, focus on small, thoughtful gestures that show your appreciation and love. Plan surprise dates, write love notes, and spend quality time together. Keeping the romance alive involves consistent effort and creativity to maintain a strong emotional connection.

What does it mean to bend but not snap in a relationship?
Bending but not snapping means being flexible and willing to compromise without sacrificing your core values or well-being. It’s about finding a balance between give and take, ensuring that both partners’ needs are met while maintaining healthy boundaries.


Relationships thrive on the right attitude. By stopping the competition, communicating effectively, understanding that relationships are not about ownership, prioritizing self-care, keeping the romance alive, and knowing when to bend without breaking, you can create a flowing and fulfilling partnership. These six essential secrets can transform your relationship, making it stronger and more resilient. Embrace these principles, and watch your relationship flourish.

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