Advice for Men

How to Attract Women Easily: 3 Secrets That Really Work!

It has been a well-accepted fact that men are basically clueless about what it is that attracts women. In fact, some reports contend that women are so hard to comprehend that even if men master how to decode their body language, still, they just could not understand women, in one way or another.

According to some studies, 3 out of 10 men can attest that they really understand women.

The remaining 7, you ask? They are out in the haystack finding needles. This means that almost 70% of the men population in the U.S. contend that whatever they do, they still could not figure out how to understand women.

For this reason, men are having a hard time figuring out what attracts women sexually and romantically in a relationship. 6 out of ten men attest that women are so unpredictable that what they thought women are attracted to, they suddenly realize in the end that it is not the right thing after all.

So for those who are still confused, dazed, and perplexed on what attracts women, here is a list that could serve as your guide if you want to know how to catch your girl’s attention:

1. Women Are Not Attracted to “Nice Guys”

There are instances wherein some guys thought that in order to attract women, they must be good-looking, smell really good, dress really well, and project a goody-two-shoes image.


What these guys do not know is that, in reality, women are more attracted to men who project “bad-boy” images rather than those who are nice. This is because most women find nice guys relatively boring and uninteresting as compared to those who are funny and confident about themselves.

Surveys show that 30% of women value personality most. Though, this does not necessarily mean that women prefer nice personalities. What women would rather have are men who have lovable personalities brought about by their sense of humor and confidence.

The point is that some clinical studies done to uncover the truth about men and women revealed that men are, generally, more concerned with their looks, while women are more into the character and the way men behave around women.

Women want a man who is confident enough to challenge them but not too arrogant to ignore their needs. They like men who can surprise them, men who have that element of mystery. The “bad-boy” appeal often has this mystery because such men don’t lay everything out there. This keeps women intrigued and wanting to know more.

However, it’s not just about being “bad.” It’s about being genuine and self-assured. Confidence without arrogance, a sense of humor without making fun of others, and a “bad boy” vibe that doesn’t cross into disrespectful territory. Women want a man who is comfortable with himself and yet knows how to keep things exciting.

2. Women Are Attracted to Things Beyond Physical Appearance

Women are attracted to things that cannot be initially seen by the human eye. This goes to show that innate things, those that are not constrained by physical boundaries and limitations, are what really attract women. Women are more concerned with what they cannot see literally. This could refer to personality traits, behavior, and attitude.


No wonder why most women would rather date a man who has a good personality even if the guy is not good-looking or he does not have a car.

For example, a man who is kind-hearted, thoughtful, and attentive is far more appealing than one who simply looks good on the outside but lacks depth. Women value emotional intelligence – the ability to connect on a deeper level, to show empathy, and to be emotionally available.

A man who can make a woman feel special, heard, and understood will always have the upper hand over a man who simply looks attractive. Women crave connection and understanding, and they are naturally drawn to those who can provide that.

3. Women Are More Attracted to Men Who Know How to Handle Themselves Well

The problem with most men is that they are very egoistic; they are more focused on what the public would see them.

On the contrary, women are not so much on what makes a man but rather on how man makes out for himself. For instance, women are not concerned about the physical attributes of a man but more about how the man takes care of his body.

Another example, if a particular man is rich and famous, it may hold some possible attraction between the man and a woman. However, this will not guarantee that women will opt to have the rich and famous for a relationship. If the woman perceives how this man manages his finances well, then that is the only time the woman will pay attention to the guy.

The point here is that material things like wealth, looks, physical attributes, education, influence, power, etc., still do matter. However, these do not necessarily mean that these things are everything that a man needs in order to be attractive to women.

The truth is that in order to attract women, men must, generally, have a nice attitude and personality. It is only when men make women feel that whenever women are with them, they would feel safe and secure.

Bonus Secret 4. Women Appreciate Men Who Are Emotionally Intelligent

Women value emotional intelligence as much as they do any physical trait. They are drawn to men who know how to handle their emotions and can express themselves clearly. A man who understands his feelings and knows how to communicate them effectively is a rare find.

For instance, a man who listens attentively, acknowledges his partner’s emotions, and responds with empathy is far more attractive than someone who appears emotionally unavailable or dismissive. Women want to know that their feelings matter, that their opinions are heard, and that they are valued. Emotional intelligence is about understanding and being aware of what someone else is feeling – and this is a big attraction factor for women.

Bonus Secret 5. Women Love Men Who Know How to Make Them Laugh

A good sense of humor is a highly sought-after trait for many women. It isn’t about being a comedian or making jokes constantly. It’s about having a light-hearted attitude, being able to find humor in everyday situations, and not taking life too seriously.

When a man knows how to laugh at himself, it shows confidence, humility, and the ability to see the brighter side of things. Women love to be around men who make them feel happy and comfortable. Laughter creates bonds and fosters connection, making it a vital component in building attraction.


Given all that, women and men’s views on the concept of attraction vary considerably. This goes to show that if ever a man would like to attract a particular woman, he should set aside his own point of view and interest and instead try to work out in order to catch the attention of the woman.

Attraction isn’t just about physical appearances or material possessions. It’s about character, emotional intelligence, and the ability to connect on a deeper level. So, for those men who find themselves lost in the haystack, know that understanding what truly attracts women can be much simpler than it seems – if only you look beyond the surface.


  1. Personality definitely attracts me. I like someone who is funny and doesn’t take life to seriously , little sarcasm but not rude to others . Looks do count. You have to be a little attracted physically to the guy to start the crush but in the end …. Guys who are honest , little outgoing personality , stable decent paying job and treats others with kindness is what is attractive. I do like a guy that’s a little nerdy but very manly at the same time if that makes sense. The one thing in the article I agree on is if a guy is to nice and boring it is boring !

    1. Actually, you summarize the article. Your comments will help other people. Thank you for such provoking thoughts putting it down in comments..

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