
How to be Funny: 34 Tools and Techniques

Do you think you don’t have a sense of humor? Do you want to learn humor and be funny?
How do you get funny?

Here you will find the best humor tips from the greatest comedians in the world, with all the universal humor techniques of the funniest men and women in the world. So you can develop your sense of humor and train your humor with this article.

Why is humor important?

Humor is an essential aspect of human interaction that brings joy, laughter, and connection into our lives. Whether it’s cracking a witty joke, engaging in playful banter, or simply sharing a humorous story, humor has the power to brighten up any situation. It helps to relieve stress, foster positive relationships, and create memorable experiences. In fact, studies have shown that humor can boost our immune system, enhance creativity, and even improve cognitive function. With all these incredible benefits, it’s no wonder that being funny is a highly valued skill. So, let’s dive into 39 tools and techniques that all funny people utilize to bring laughter into the world!

Humor Technique 1 – Unexpected and Surprise Humor

One of the most effective ways to elicit laughter is through unexpected and surprise humor. By deviating from the expected norm or introducing an unexpected twist, you catch people off guard and tap into their sense of surprise. For example:

  • In the midst of a serious conversation, you suddenly interject with a lighthearted pun that no one saw coming.
  • You tell a story with a predictable ending, but you switch it up at the last moment, leaving everyone pleasantly surprised.

Remember, the key to this technique is to embrace the unexpected and create pleasant surprises that tickle people’s funny bones.

Humor Technique 2 – Specificity

Specificity is crucial in humor because it adds vividness and relatability to your jokes or anecdotes. When you provide precise details and paint a vivid picture, it allows people to visualize the scenario and find humor in the specific elements. Here’s an example:

  • Instead of saying, “I saw a dog today,” you say, “I saw a fluffy golden retriever wearing sunglasses and listening to classical music on tiny headphones.”

By being specific, you create a more engaging and amusing image that resonates with the audience.

Humor Technique 3 – Yes and …

Improve comedians swear by the “Yes and …” technique, which involves accepting and building upon what others say to create humorous scenarios. By embracing this approach in everyday conversations, you can effortlessly generate laughter and foster a positive, supportive atmosphere. For instance:

“I spilled coffee all over myself this morning.”

“Yes, and did the coffee stain create a masterpiece on your shirt?”

By adding unexpected elements and playfully building upon the initial statement, you create a collaborative comedy routine that keeps the laughter flowing.

Humor Technique 4 – Synonyms as Surprise Humor

Playing with words and using synonyms can often lead to humorous surprises. When you substitute a commonly used word with an unexpected synonym, it adds a touch of novelty and freshness to your humor. Consider this example:

  • Instead of saying, “I’m exhausted,” you say, “I’m completely pooped, like a marathon runner who accidentally ended up in a Zumba class!”

By using unexpected synonyms, you infuse your conversations with a delightful jolt of surprise that sparks laughter.

How to be funny

Humor Technique 5 – Triples as Surprise Humor

The rule of threes is a powerful tool in comedy. By presenting a series of three escalating items or ideas, you create a pattern that sets up an expectation. Then, you play with this pattern in unexpected ways, generating laughter. Here’s an example:

  • “I asked my friend how they managed to turn their life around, and they said, ‘First, I started going to the gym every day. Then, I got into meditation. And finally, I hired a life coach… who turned out to be a motivational sloth!'”

The unexpected twist in the third element of the series catches people off guard, leading to laughter and amusement.

Humor Technique 6 – The Switch as Surprise Humor

Switching or juxtaposing ideas, concepts, or roles can create hilarious moments of surprise. By substituting something unexpected or contrary to what is typically associated with a specific context, you create comedic dissonance. Consider this example:

“I went to a fancy restaurant and ordered escargot. But instead of serving me snails, they brought a plate of plump grapes. Talk about a culinary switcheroo!”

By introducing a humorous switch between the expected and the unexpected, you can generate laughter through surprise.

Humor Technique 7 – Continue Extra Long on Specificity

Building upon the concept of specificity, you can take it a step further by exaggerating and amplifying the details of a situation. By stretching the vivid and specific elements for comedic effect, you heighten the humorous impact. For instance:

“I recently attended a wedding where the bride’s dress was so big and voluminous that I mistook her for a parade float. I mean, it had its own gravitational pull and everything!”

By exaggerating the already specific details, you create an outrageous image that tickles the imagination and evokes laughter.

Humor Technique 8 – Exaggerate (with Realism as a Starting Point!)

Exaggeration is a staple in comedy, but grounding it in realism makes it even more relatable and hilarious. By taking a relatable situation and amplifying it to the extreme, you create a humorous effect that resonates with people’s experiences. Here’s an example:

  • Instead of saying, “This dish is really spicy,” you say, “This dish is so spicy that it could power a rocket to Mars!”

By employing exaggeration rooted in reality, you take everyday situations to absurd and funny extremes.

How to be funny

Humor Technique 9 – Self-Deprecating Humor

Self-deprecating humor involves poking fun at oneself in a lighthearted and playful manner. By making yourself the target of the joke, you demonstrate humility and encourage a friendly connection with your audience. Here’s an example:

“I tried teaching myself how to dance, but my moves were more reminiscent of a clumsy duck than a graceful swan. But hey, at least I provided free entertainment!”

Through self-deprecating humor, you show vulnerability and invite laughter from others, creating a warm and inclusive atmosphere.

Humor Technique 10 – Generalize

Generalizing certain situations, behaviors, or characteristics can also elicit laughter. By exaggerating and applying a broader perspective to relatable scenarios, you tap into shared experiences that resonate with your audience. For example:

“You know you’re a true coffee lover when your blood type is ‘Cappuccino Positive’!”

By generalizing the love for coffee and playfully connecting it to blood types, you create a humorous connection that coffee enthusiasts can relate to and appreciate.

Humor Technique 11 – The Simple Truth

Sometimes, the simplest statements can be the funniest. By stating the obvious or sharing a truth that everyone acknowledges but rarely mentions, you create moments of laughter through the power of relatability. Here’s an example:

“Trying to assemble IKEA furniture without the instructions is like embarking on a treasure hunt without a map – you end up with a pile of frustration and a newfound appreciation for professional furniture assemblers.”

By acknowledging the universal struggle of assembling IKEA furniture, you tap into humorous collective experiences that prompt laughter.

Humor Technique 12 – Alliterations and Other Language Plays

Alliterations, wordplay, and linguistic devices add rhythm, creativity, and humor to your conversations. By playing with sounds, letters, or meanings, you create a delightful interplay between language and amusement. Consider this example:

“She sells seashells by the seashore, while I struggle to say ‘sardoodledom’ without stumbling!”

By embracing alliteration and wordplay, you infuse your conversations with a playful melody that tickles the funny bone.

Humor Technique 13 – Childish Naughtiness

Childish naughtiness involves embracing innocent and mischievous humor reminiscent of childhood antics. By tapping into the silliness and playfulness within us, you create a shared sense of joy and bring out the inner child in your audience. For instance:

“When nobody’s watching, I still can’t resist jumping on a bed. It’s like my secret rebellion against adulthood!”

By indulging in harmless childish naughtiness, you create a lighthearted atmosphere that invites smiles and laughter.

Humor Technique 14 – Call Back Humor and Utilization Humor: Score Free Smiles

Call back humor and utilization humor involve referencing previous jokes, shared experiences, or recurring themes to create comedic connections. By cleverly bringing back something from earlier, you demonstrate your attentiveness and create a sense of shared humor. Here’s an example:

  • After a funny story involving a banana, you later say, “Hey, speaking of fruity adventures, remember that time you slipped on a grape and became a viral sensation?”

By using call back humor and utilization humor, you generate laughter and strengthen the bond between you and your audience.

Humor Technique 15  – Call back humor and utilization humor: score free smiles

One of the most effective ways to be funny is to incorporate callback humor and utilization humor into your jokes. Callback humor refers to referencing a joke or funny incident that has happened earlier in the conversation or in a previous interaction. This creates a sense of familiarity and allows you to build on a shared humorous experience with your audience.

For example, let’s say you’re in a conversation with a group of friends and someone accidentally spills their drink. You can lighten the mood by making a callback to a similar incident that happened last week, saying something like, “Looks like we’ve got another spillage incident here. Remember last time when Tom turned into a human water sprinkler?”

Utilization humor, on the other hand, involves finding humor in everyday situations or objects by using them in unexpected ways. It’s about finding the funny side of mundane things. For instance, you can pretend to use a water bottle as a microphone and start delivering an impromptu stand-up comedy routine. This unexpected twist can catch people off guard and lead to laughter.

Humor Technique 16 – Word jokes (puns) remain fun, precisely because they are bad

Puns, also known as word jokes, have the power to induce laughter even if they’re considered “bad” by traditional comedy standards. These jokes rely on the multiple meanings or similar sounds of words to create humor.

For example, consider the classic pun: “I used to be a baker, but I couldn’t make enough dough.” While this joke may be groan-inducing, it still has the ability to elicit a chuckle. Puns work because they play with language and exploit its inherent ambiguity.

Word jokes can be a great way to lighten the mood and create a playful atmosphere. By embracing the silliness of puns, you can add a touch of levity to any conversation.

Humor Technique 17 – Sarcasm

Sarcasm is a versatile humor technique that relies on the use of irony to create humor. It involves saying the opposite of what you actually mean in a way that is deliberately humorous or mocking.

For example, if someone asks you for directions to a place that is right in front of them, you can sarcastically respond, “Oh, it’s just right over there, you can’t miss it!” This use of sarcasm adds a playful tone to the conversation and can generate laughter.

However, it’s important to use sarcasm sparingly and in the right context. Overuse of sarcasm can come across as mean-spirited or offensive, so be mindful of the recipient’s feelings and the overall atmosphere of the conversation.

Humor Technique 18 – Use two different statuses and authorities for humor

One effective way to create humor is by playing with the dynamics of power and authority in a conversation. When you juxtapose two individuals with different statuses or authorities, it can create a humorous contrast.

For example, imagine a scenario where a well-known celebrity is waiting in line at a coffee shop behind an average person. The celebrity could make a self-deprecating joke about being used to the spotlight and feeling out of place in a regular line, while the average person humorously comments on the irony of the situation. This interaction highlights the difference in status and authority and can lead to laughter.

By utilizing this humor technique, you can bring people together by creating shared moments of amusement.

Humor Technique 19 – The Common ‘Enemy’ (with a higher status)

Humor often thrives on shared experiences and collective frustrations. By identifying a common “enemy” and humorously exaggerating their flaws or quirks, you can create a sense of camaraderie with your audience.

For instance, imagine a situation where everyone is stuck in traffic. You can make a lighthearted comment like, “Ah, the traffic gods have struck again! They must really enjoy testing our patience.” By personifying traffic as the common “enemy” with a higher status, you can bond with others over this shared annoyance and generate laughter.

The key here is to ensure that the target of the humor is relatable and that the exaggeration remains light-hearted and humorous rather than mean-spirited or offensive.

Humor Technique 20 – Someone who does not have information

The element of surprise can spark laughter and captivate an audience’s attention. One way to achieve this is through humor technique 20 – using someone who does not have information as a source of amusement.

For instance, let’s imagine a situation where a group of friends is trying to decide which restaurant to go to. Someone in the group suggests a new Mexican restaurant and another friend responds, “I heard the guacamole there is so special that avocados cry when they leave!” By using the unknowing friend’s lack of information to create an unexpected and amusing statement, laughter ensues.

This humor technique allows you to playfully utilize ignorance or uncertainty, keeping your audience engaged and entertained.

Humor Technique 21 – Impersonations are very simple

Impersonations can be a hilarious way to inject humor into conversations. By mimicking the speech patterns, mannerisms, or accents of someone well-known or iconic, you can create laughter through recognition and exaggeration.

For example, imagine impersonating a famous politician known for their humorous gestures and catchphrases. By imitating their speaking style and mannerisms while adding your own comedic twist, you can generate a sense of familiarity and amusement.

When attempting impersonations, it’s essential to do so with respect and without crossing the line into mockery or offense. Focus on capturing the essence of the person you are impersonating and adding your own comedic flair.

Humor Technique 22 – Don’t try to be funny, just tell a story

Sometimes, the best way to be funny is to simply share a funny or entertaining story. Rather than trying too hard to be funny, focus on engaging storytelling techniques that naturally elicit laughter.

For instance, recounting a comical incident that happened to you or a quirky experience you witnessed can be a great way to engage your audience and create a jovial atmosphere. Let the story unfold naturally and use vivid details to paint a picture that tickles the imagination.

Remember, the key to successful storytelling is to emphasize the humorous elements of the narrative without forcing laughter or relying on punchlines. Let the humor arise organically from the story itself.

Humor Technique 23 – Have a savior in case your joke flops

Even the funniest individuals have moments when their jokes fall flat. In such situations, having a humorous backup plan, or as we call it, a “savior,” can help you recover and maintain a lighthearted atmosphere.

For example, if you crack a joke that doesn’t land with your audience, you can have a backup line prepared in advance to lighten the mood. It could be a playful self-deprecating remark or a witty comment about the situation at hand. This savior ensures that even if one joke misses the mark, you have another humorous trick up your sleeve to quickly transition and keep the conversation light-hearted.

Having a savior prepared can demonstrate your ability to roll with the punches and adapt to different situations, adding to your overall comedic prowess.

Humor Technique 24 – Magnifying the mistakes of others (of course with warmth and at the behavioral level)

When used with warmth and kindness, magnifying the mistakes of others can be a humorous technique that brings people together and generates laughter. This technique involves playfully pointing out and exaggerating the harmless mistakes or quirks of others.

For example, if a friend accidentally trips over their own shoelaces, you can good-naturedly remark, “Your clumsiness is reaching Olympic levels! Are you secretly training for the Tripping Games?” By teasing them about their harmless mishap in a gentle and friendly manner, you create an atmosphere of shared amusement.

It’s crucial to exercise caution and ensure that your teasing is light-hearted and well-intentioned, without crossing the line into mockery or hurtful jabs. This humor technique should be used to unite people through laughter, not to belittle or offend others.

Humor Technique 25 – Use the ‘pregnant pause’ to generate emotions (humor & tension)

The pregnant pause, a momentary silence strategically inserted into a conversation, can be a powerful tool for generating both humor and tension. This pause creates a break in the flow of conversation, allowing space for the audience to anticipate the unexpected.

For example, imagine telling a funny anecdote and pausing just before delivering the punchline. This moment of suspense builds anticipation and can heighten the comedic impact when the punchline is finally revealed.

Similarly, the pregnant pause can be used to create tension in a humorous way. By pausing after setting up a comedic premise, such as asking a rhetorical question, you can tease the audience with anticipation before delivering the punchline and relieving the tension with laughter.

The key to effectively using the pregnant pause is to master the timing and create a balance between suspense and surprise, ensuring that it enhances the humor without becoming awkward or contrived.

Humor Technique 26 – Ask a Question!

Asking questions can be an effective way to inject humor into conversations and engage your audience. By posing unexpected or thought-provoking questions, you can catch people off guard and create humorous responses.

For example, you can ask a hypothetical question like, “If a tomato is a fruit, does that make ketchup a smoothie?” This playful play on language and logic can evoke laughter and spark creative responses from those around you.

Asking questions also encourages active participation and invites others to contribute to the humor, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared amusement.

Humor technique 27 – The obvious lie (form of unexpected humor)

The obvious lie is a form of unexpected humor that relies on deliberately stating something untrue in a way that is obviously false, but in a context where the audience would least expect it.

For example, let’s say you’re at a friend’s party, and someone asks about the ingredients in a dish. You could jokingly reply, “Oh, it’s just your usual magic potion of unicorn tears and dragon scales!” By blatantly lying about the ingredients, you create a whimsical and humorous moment.

The key to executing the obvious lie technique successfully is to maintain a playful tone and ensure that your audience recognizes it as humor. It’s important to make it clear that you’re intentionally being ridiculous rather than attempting to deceive anyone.

Humor Technique 28 – The ‘(Just) like’ metaphor

Metaphors are a powerful tool for adding humor to your conversations. One way to create humor with metaphors is by using the “(just) like” construction to compare two unrelated concepts in a surprising or amusing way.

For instance, you can say something like, “Trying to organize my schedule without coffee is like juggling chainsaws blindfolded—utter chaos!” This metaphor highlights the chaos and difficulty of organizing tasks without coffee in a humorous and exaggerated manner.

By incorporating creative and unexpected metaphors into your conversations, you can captivate your audience’s attention and leave them chuckling at the unexpected connections you make.

Humor Technique 29 – The truth is funny

Sometimes, the truth itself can be inherently funny. By observing and sharing humorous aspects of everyday life, you can tap into relatable experiences and generate laughter.

For example, you can make a witty comment about the trials and tribulations of navigating modern technology or poke fun at the universal experience of being caught in a rainstorm without an umbrella. By acknowledging and laughing at the truth of these situations, you create a sense of camaraderie with your audience.

The key to successfully using the truth as humor is to find the right balance between relatability and novelty. Drawing from your personal experiences and highlighting the absurdities of everyday life can make your humor both authentic and hilarious.

Humor Technique 30 – Take something out of context

Humor often arises when something is taken out of its original context and placed in an unexpected or absurd situation. By manipulating context, you can create humorous surprises that catch people off guard.

For instance, imagine walking into a room and finding a bicycle helmet on a dining table. You could jokingly exclaim, “Wow, they must take their meals really seriously here! Safety first, even during dinner!” By playfully juxtaposing the seriousness of wearing a helmet with the act of eating a meal, you create an amusing contrast that elicits laughter.

Taking things out of context allows you to play with people’s expectations and challenge their assumptions, resulting in moments of comedic surprise.

Humor Technique 31 – What if … Give something a new context

Similar to taking something out of context, the “what if” technique involves reimagining familiar situations, objects, or events by giving them a new and unexpected context.

For example, you can ask a hypothetical question like, “What if books were secretly plotting to take over the world? Would we find them huddled in dark corners, whispering sinister plans?” This playful exploration of alternative scenarios can spark laughter and engage the imagination.

By inviting your audience to consider unconventional possibilities and challenging the status quo, you can create a humorous atmosphere that encourages creative thinking.

Humor Technique 32 – Make associations and make fun of them

Making associations between unrelated ideas or concepts can be a great source of humor. By playfully connecting things that don’t naturally go together, you can create unexpected and amusing connections that elicit laughter.

For example, you can say something like, “My brain is like a hamster on a rollercoaster—constantly spinning, but never really getting anywhere!” This comparison between a racing hamster and a busy mind adds a touch of whimsy and humor to an otherwise relatable situation.

Associations and the subsequent humor they generate thrive on the unexpected and unusual connections made. Explore unconventional links and let your imagination run wild to create laughter through surprising associations.

Humor Technique 33 – Vulnerability gives you more depth (it doesn’t make you a clown)

Vulnerability is a valuable tool for creating genuine and relatable humor. By sharing your own authentic experiences, flaws, or embarrassing moments, you can connect with others on a deeper level, evoke empathy, and elicit laughter.

For instance, you can self-deprecatingly share a story about a time when you completely misread a social situation and ended up unintentionally embarrassing yourself. By embracing vulnerability, you show that you don’t take yourself too seriously and invite others to laugh along with you.

It’s important to note that vulnerability should be used in a lighthearted and self-affirming manner, without belittling yourself or seeking validation. It allows you to showcase your authenticity and create a bond with others through shared laughter.

Humor Technique 34 – Make others feel good: make fun of what they have achieved

One way to be funny and uplift those around you is by making light-hearted jokes about their achievements or accomplishments. By playfully teasing others in a celebratory and complimentary manner, you can create a positive and joyful atmosphere.

For example, if a friend tells you about their recent success at the gym, you can humorously say, “Well, now that you’re lifting weights, I’ll start calling you ‘The Incredible Bulk’!” This playful nickname acknowledges and celebrates their achievement while adding a humorous twist.

By making others feel good about their accomplishments and expressing your support through humor, you foster a supportive and joyous environment.

In conclusion, incorporating these 34 humor techniques into your conversations can help you become funnier and create moments of laughter and connection. Remember to always consider the context, audience, and appropriateness of your humor and to embrace your own unique style of delivery. Keep experimenting, being authentic, and adapting to different situations, and soon you’ll find yourself becoming a master of the art of humor. So go out there, spread laughter, and enjoy the wonderful world of comedy!

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