
How to Flirt On Instagram and Secure That Date Today!

Alright, let’s be real for a minute: Instagram isn’t just for sharing photos and stalking celebrities. For many of us, it’s also a secret dating app. Whether you’re crushing on someone new or trying to grab the attention of someone you’ve had your eye on, knowing how to slide into their DMs is key. But don’t worry—if you’re feeling lost, I’m here to guide you.

Flirting on Instagram can be tricky. One wrong move, and you’re either ghosted or, even worse, blocked. But don’t panic! I’ve got some tips that will help you make a great impression without looking desperate.

Before we dive in, though, let’s start with a crucial question: what does your Instagram profile look like?

Your Profile: First Impressions Are Everything

Your Instagram profile is like your personal billboard. It’s the first thing people see when they check you out. If you want to catch someone’s eye, your profile needs to look good.

Take a step back and look at your profile as if you were a stranger. Would you follow yourself? Would you respond to your DMs?

First impressions matter, especially on Instagram. If your profile picture is a blurry photo of your dog, your bio is empty, and your account is private, don’t expect much interest. People won’t be curious about you, let alone accept your follow request.

Personally, I don’t even consider accepting requests from profiles that look like they were created yesterday. If you want to get noticed, make sure your profile is appealing. And when they do accept your request, don’t rush to like every single one of their photos. Pace yourself. You don’t want to come off as too eager.

Easy on the Likes, Please

I get it—you’re excited. But slow down on the likes. Liking a few photos is fine, but liking their entire feed in one sitting? That’s a quick way to scare them off.

Sure, a couple of likes on their latest posts might catch their attention, but you don’t want to go overboard. There’s a thin line between showing interest and being creepy.

Here’s a story: I’ve had guys like every single one of my photos in a matter of minutes. And it’s even worse when they do it at 2 a.m., only liking the ones where I’m in a bikini. It’s not flattering—it’s weird. Nobody wants to end up being discussed in a group chat as “the creepy guy who stalks my Instagram.”

So, take it easy. Like one or two photos, but don’t go overboard. Think about how you’d act if you met them in person. Would you shower them with compliments all at once? Probably not. The same rule applies online.

Be Yourself, Don’t Be Weird

Let’s imagine you see someone cute at a party. Would you walk up to them and start saying weird things? I hope not! The same goes for Instagram. Just because you’re online doesn’t mean you can throw social norms out the window.

People sometimes get a little too comfortable behind a screen. They think they can say or do things they’d never do in person. But remember, just because it’s online doesn’t mean it’s not real life. Being yourself and treating people with respect will get you further than trying to be someone you’re not.

I once went on a date with a guy who seemed perfect online. But when we met, he turned out to be a jerk. He even yelled at the waiter because his drink didn’t have enough ice. So, be yourself in your DMs. Trust me, it’ll pay off.

Don’t Push Too Hard

If it’s meant to be, it will be. But don’t push it. Nothing is worse than someone who doesn’t get the hint. If they didn’t accept your follow request yesterday, sending another one today won’t change their mind.

The same goes for messaging. If you slide into their DMs and they leave you on “seen” or give you one-word replies, take the hint. Don’t keep pushing.

The best conversations happen naturally. If they’re not responding or seem disinterested, it’s time to back off. Focus on someone who’s actually excited to talk to you.

Use Your Words Wisely

This is the golden rule. The right words can make all the difference. You want to stand out, but in a good way. It’s not enough to just drop a fire emoji on their latest selfie—you’ve got to do better than that.

Here’s what worked for me: wait until they post something they’re passionate about. Maybe it’s a hobby, a movie, or even their dog. Then, slide in with a comment like, “Wow, I didn’t know you were into that! I love it too!” This shows you’re interested in more than just their looks.

People love talking about themselves. Instead of just saying, “Congrats!” when they achieve something, ask them about their experience. It keeps the conversation going and makes them more likely to respond.

Remember, keep it casual and don’t be too pushy. Sure, it might seem like a lot to juggle, but with a little practice, you’ll get the hang of it. And who knows? You might just land that date—or, like me, find someone worth marrying.


How can I make my Instagram profile more attractive?

Choose a clear and flattering profile picture of yourself. Your bio should reflect who you are—mention your interests, hobbies, or something unique about you. Keep your profile public (at least temporarily) so new followers can get a glimpse of your content.

Is liking old photos creepy?

Liking one or two old photos is okay, but liking a bunch all at once is a bit much. Stick to their recent posts unless there’s something specific that genuinely interests you.

What should I say in my first DM?

Keep it simple and relevant. Comment on something specific about their recent posts or stories. Ask a question to keep the conversation going. Avoid generic compliments; they’re less likely to get a response.

How can I avoid getting left on “seen”?

To avoid being left on “seen,” don’t be too aggressive. If they’re not replying, give them some space. Sometimes, less is more.

How do I know if they’re interested in me?

If they’re engaging in the conversation, asking questions, and showing interest in your life, those are good signs. If they’re giving you short replies or not responding, it might be time to move on.

When should I stop trying?

If you’ve sent a few messages and they haven’t responded or only give short, uninterested replies, it’s probably time to stop. Persistence can be good, but there’s a fine line between being persistent and being pushy.

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