
4 Ways to Heal Your Hopeless Relationship

My husband and I were planning our divorce. Now we’re planning our reconciliation.

“For years, my teenage son and I were at odds with each other. At times he was abusive toward me. Now we are building a great friendship based on mutual respect and appreciation.”

“My middle daughter and I were never close. She harbored deep (and justified) resentment toward me. Now she phones me almost every day and shares with me her joys and challenges as a young mom. I LOVE our new relationship!”

“For the first time in my life, I have a loving relationship with myself. I am living as my authentic self on a daily basis and it feels good!”

What do these four people have in common? To what do they ALL attribute the successful healing of these seemingly hopeless relationships? The Law of Attraction! It’s really quite amazing when you consider that three of these testimonials came from people who have been deliberately applying the Law of Attraction for less than a year.

What is it about the Law of Attraction (LOA) that produces such a wonderful benefit in a gentle, natural way? Four aspects of LOA come to my mind as being significant in changing the way we relate to others:

  1. Self-Appreciation
  2. Reframing Situations
  3. Expecting Good Responses
  4. Building a Community of Like-Minded Friends

1. Self-Appreciation

The Law of Attraction teaches us to discover who we truly are—based on what we love or enjoy. As we sort through things we’ve tolerated for years, seeking out what we truly enjoy, we find ourselves appreciating the way we ARE. This process makes us less defensive, less judgmental, kinder, gentler, and more accepting of all that is.

For example, I remember when a strong creative part of me wanted expression. After years of suppression, this expression had to be BIG—like renovating the main bathroom! I had devalued and discounted my creative side for a long time, but now it was reasserting itself. I poured my energy into that renovation, leveraging my natural talent, eye for color, design, and financial resources. The result was a beautiful bathroom-spa. It was so lovely that it was featured in a commercial—all because I chose to honor my true self.

True love and appreciation begin with self-appreciation, self-love, and self-care. We can only love others to the degree that we love and accept ourselves. By truly embracing who we are, we become better equipped to cultivate meaningful relationships with others.

2. Reframing Situations

The more we notice how our feelings attract similar events, the more motivated we become to find new perspectives on situations that don’t feel good. I am convinced that choosing a new perspective can transform a negative situation into a positive one.

For instance, in 2003-2005, I applied for child support for my mentally handicapped daughter. The judge denied my request, declaring Sarah to be an adult. My initial reaction was surprise and fear about how I could continue to support her financially. However, I knew to be cautious about my thoughts. I asked my Inner Being for the highest vibrating thoughts on the subject. When I shared the news with Sarah, I framed it positively: “The judge said, ‘No child support.’ Congratulations! You are now legally an adult!”

A few days later, Sarah signed up for a bowling league. When asked her age, she was told she had to join the adult league. She smiled and said, “I really AM an adult!” It was a milestone for both of us.


As we grow in cooperation with the Law of Attraction, we learn to reframe negative situations more easily. It becomes second nature to shift our perspectives, practice kindness toward ourselves and others, and avoid letting resentment and bitterness contaminate our vibration.

3. Expecting Good Responses

Eventually, we begin to trust that when we meet someone with our highest vibration, they will respond harmoniously. While we cannot make anyone respond to us in ways that feel good, we can offer them the opportunity to respond positively. By looking for the good in others and expecting their best, we create an environment where they can show us their best side.

It’s like our high vibration calls forth the best in the other person. When we maintain a positive and high-energy approach, we invite others to reflect that positivity back to us. This mutual exchange of energy fosters stronger, more meaningful connections.

4. Building a Community of Like-Minded Friends

The four individuals quoted at the beginning of this article have experienced rapid transformation in their lives and relationships because they participated in the Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner’s course. It’s challenging to change your mindset and focus when you feel alone in the process. Sometimes, you need a coach to guide you and a group to grow and change with.

The Certified LOA Practitioner’s course provides 4-6 months of stimulating TeleClasses (classes held over the telephone) with others discovering the Law of Attraction. During this course, participants become part of a Master Mind group, meeting weekly to share insights and challenges while giving and receiving coaching from one another.

Are you ready for a new way of living that is full of love, acceptance, and grace? The Certified LOA Practitioner’s course prepares you for a joyful and fulfilling career based on what you love to do. It can transform areas of your life you thought were ‘hopeless.’ By embracing the principles of the Law of Attraction, you open the door to healing and positive change in your relationships and beyond.

By focusing on self-appreciation, reframing situations, expecting good responses, and building a supportive community, you can create transformative changes in your life. The Law of Attraction offers a powerful framework for fostering love and connection, making seemingly impossible improvements in relationships not just a dream, but a reality.

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