
How to Overcome Depression – Buddha’s Advice

Once a man come to the ashram of Buddha and took shelter, after spending two days alone, he said to Buddha , I have a question in my mind. I have to come to know answer to those questions from you.
Lord Buddha said , “Tell me what questions you have.”

The man replied,” I am not happy in my life at all. I am always very sad. There is no happiness in life. I want to know why it happens to me. “

Buddha said,” first tell me the exact cause of your sorrow? What are the exact cause of your grief and anxiety?”

The man thought for a while about Buddha’s word and said – what kind of questions is this ? I am asking you and without answering, are you asking again ?

Buddha smiled and said – it’s your sorrow, you should know the cause of your sorrow. The main said to Buddha – you are a prophet, you know how to read minds, and, you should know everything.

Buddha smiled softly and said – this is your mistake, you think that someone else will make you free from your grief , depression and anxiety. But it never happens, it’s only you who can solve your problems. I am just like you. The only difference is that I don’t have any confusion. On the day when your inner confusion is over. You do not have to go to any Buddha to Solve your problems.

Have you ever seen a flower carefully.
The man was surprised and said who has not seen that flowers.

The Buddha said – the flower open out as a bud in the morning, BLOOMS during the day, and End in the evening. If the flower had known that it would end in the evening, the flower would not have blossomed itself. Just like if you think of sorrow, you will never be happy. There are still many things in your life that can make you live happily ever after. You can smile and you can enjoy life to the fullest.You will be happy in life.

Hearing this, the person becomes silent for a while. After thinking a while he said but Buddha I do not understand one thing. Is it possible to solve all the problems in my life at once.

If someone tells you that you will pass away within the next 10 minutes, the Buddha said, believe them.

As your main thought at that time will be death, the absolute truth of life, you won’t remember any other problems like that.

You may question the benefit of continuing to think about your problems. After ten minutes, I’ll be gone.

We seldom consider this life to be passing quickly. We accept that our life is immortal because our desires grow so intense.

Life’s joys and sorrows are both transient. Our karma and thoughts are the root of our joy and sadness.

The man was paying close attention to Buddha.

Then, should I always act as if I were about to die, he asked. Can that solve all the problems?

Buddha said: No, never suspect so. Simply feel that my reality in this world is unsure and for however long I am or will be, I will live cheerfully. Think cautiously.

You actually have numerous things that make you cheerful and happy. Live with them, fix the brain and see. There is no disarray in your brain.

Every one of the distresses and torments of life are brought about by want. Control the brain. In the event that you can make the brain as basic as a kid, you will get Everlasting satisfaction.

The man inquired: How might I control the psyche?

We want to know the distinction among satisfaction and distress. I need to comprehend, what is satisfaction to me and what is distress?

The psyche must be controlled so that it should nor be blissful even in outrageous joy, nor be miserable, even in outrageous distress.

We should be resolute in the center position.

Assuming you examine, in actuality, what are my distresses or what are the reasons for that distresses?

Eventually, the end is that the reason for all distresses is ourselves, and the brain oversees ourselves. Thus, on the off chance that you have some control over the psyche, the distress will end.

Buddha then shared with that individual, In the event that you can do another little thing, you will see that the distress in your life is gone until the end of time.

The man said with extraordinary excitement, let me know Buddha. How would it be a good idea for me to respond?

Buddha said: you won’t converse with anybody for the following two days. You’ll record on a piece of paper in the singular spot contemplating your distresses and the purposes behind it and compose on another paper. what satisfaction you actually have and what are the best purposes behind it?

  1. All the brothers in my family are rich, but I am poor and indebted because I am afraid to act. I raised more than act and I always compare myself with others.
  2. My neighbors have saved a lot of money, but I couldn’t. The reasons are: First. I have done this work and earned less money, but spent a lot of money in Bad Company. Even though I did not save a single penny.
  3. My wife has been ill for a long time. It is me who is responsible for this. Due to my negligence. I did not take her to any doctor and just left it to lock and the truth is there is a sacred desire in my mind. If this wife dies of an illness, I will remarry a faithful woman.
  4. I imagine illusory happiness all day long and I worry and grieve as they are not fulfilled and I drink alcohol every day to forget my sorrows and again I am the only one responsible for this.

I realize I can’t manage the cost of it, however I need to caution everything, regardless of whether I have them, I can have a great day and I rationalize drinking and inebriation. These are my four distresses and at the foundation of all distresses are my activities and considerations.

This time, Gautam Buddha grinned and said: indeed, presently let me know the rundown of your joy.

This time the individual said eagerly that I am blissful and I have such a lot of happiness inside. I recently started to understand without precedent for my life over the most recent two days. My rundown of reasons for bliss is enormous to the point that it will require two or three hours to complete the process of perusing.

Buddha grinned and said, for you as well as for us all. The cases are something very similar. Just we burn through valuable season of life by pondering the reasons for distress. As a matter of fact, our life is a storage facility of bliss, harmony and delight. Indeed, you didn’t peruse the entire rundown. Just read a couple.

The man started to peruse with extraordinary satisfaction.

The main Satisfaction is that I am currently living in this world. I’m solid and solid. I have guardians, a spouse and youngsters, similar to those fortunate ones on the planet. I have the most extensive riches, similar to the expressions of warmth of my folks, the adoration for my wonderful spouse, the delicacy of my kid and my bliss of being a dad.

I can work, I am fit and healthy. I can improve my income by doing any Work. I can happily meet the needs of all the family members. I am happy because I can build a happy family as much as I can, without comparing myself with any of my neighbors and brothers with the humanity that has been born in me by your grace.

I can leave my bad habits and live in eternal peace and the greatest joy and good fortune at that. I have found a place fit of lord Gautam Buddha by your grace.

As long as I am temporarily on this earth, I’ll know the truth of life, know myself with a fixed mind and keep myself and others in eternal bliss.

Buddha said: Go back to your family. This time You are reborn. Today live a life of eternal peace with a stable mind.

If there is a slight confusion in your mind about life, say to yourself, life is too short, and I am not here to be a slave of sorrows, analyze and find out the cause of sorrow and destroy it immediately.

Only then you will find eternal happiness and everlasting Joy.

Moral: Inspiring story of buddha to overcome your sorrow

We all have experienced sorrow throughout our lives. We may not think we do, but if we look at a list of things that make us happy in life, we may find that sadness comes in many forms. However, as sad events happen, time moves on and we get over them.

We may feel sorrowful at certain times in our life, but we learn how to overcome these feelings and move forward into the future. The same goes for any negative event in life; we have no control over what happens, but we can always choose how we react to these experiences in life.

In order to grow out of sorrow, we must first understand the origin of the sorrow and recognize its causes. Then, we can take steps to prevent further occurrences of sorrow and learn ways to deal with the situation. As we continue to grow in maturity, we will eventually realize that the only way to truly overcome sorrow is to let go of the past and focus on positive experiences in life.

If we could look back at our lives and see the good things that have happened, then we would not be as sad about the bad things we experience today. There is nothing wrong with looking ahead.

Instead, let’s embrace each day and live in the present moment. Let’s appreciate those who love us and try to help others as well.

Let’s keep a smile on our faces, even in the face of adversity. And, above all else, let’s never give up hope.

Q-1: What are the causes of sorrow?

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • Sadness
  • Loss
  • Loneliness

Q-2: How do I get out of sorrow?

  • Keep yourself busy
  • Get over being mad at someone
  • Reach out to others
  • Learn to laugh
  • Eat well and exercise
  • Sleep well
  • Have Fun

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