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How to Stop Thinking About Your Ex: 21 Things You Can Try

Moving on from a past relationship can be quite challenging because memories linger and make it hard to focus on the present. The key is to heal and find yourself. Here are some tips that can help you in moving on and give you a brighter outlook on life in the future.

1. Limit Social Media Exposure

Social media can be tough after a breakup. It’s pretty easy to keep updated about your ex, keeping that wound alive. Take some time off from all the social media platforms where you would possibly see their updates. Take an unfollow or mute as part of the boundaries that support your mental health.

Also, be very cautious regarding what you view on social media. Follow people who inspire and elevate you to be able to shift your focus away from the past and fill your feed with positivity.

2. Avoid Places You Used to Visit Together

Places can hold memories that may trigger feelings of nostalgia or sadness. If you and your ex used to enjoy certain restaurants, parks, or any hangout spots, consider avoiding these locations for a while. This doesn’t mean you should change your routines entirely; perhaps you can explore new venues that excite you and bring joy.

Trying new places not only distracts you from the memories but can also help you discover new favorites and create new memories. This change of scenery can be refreshing and liberating, offering moments of joy rather than reminders of your past relationship.

3. Remove Reminders of Your Ex

Out of sight, out of mind. Look around you now at things that remind you of your ex and consider putting these in storage or gifting them when you are ready. This helps create a new space where old feelings are not hanging.

Not to mention the digital space, but deleting pictures or texts is very liberating. More than healing you, clearing up such attachments might symbolize a fresh start on the way forward.

4. Focus on Yourself

Focus on yourself after a breakup without any kind of guilt. Think of things that will make you happy, such as your self-care routine, healthy eating, or just spending a quiet evening alone reading a book.

While you take care of yourself, find the things that interest and passion you which have been deprived. This will help in the healing process to find the real you again.

5. Start a New Hobby

Engaging in a new hobby can also work magic in channeling the feelings positively. This may be fulfilling, whether it is painting, cooking, hiking, or playing an instrument. It distracts one from the past and offers an opportunity for one to meet new people.

Doing something new can help distract you from old failures and onto new successes. Most hobbies bring a sense of achievement, which allows one to feel good about the activity and boosts self-esteem.

6. Spend Time with Friends and Family

There is nothing like being around people who love you. They can help remind you of the joy and pleasure you deserve. Plan to get together and have some fun.

Sharing your feelings with your loved ones lightens your emotional burden. They can make you feel good with their laughter and fun. It may help you to get on with your life.

7. Seek Professional Help if Needed

If you feel that you’re getting miserable or depressive about your loss, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. The therapist or counselor will thus provide you a solution and various strategies according to your needs. They will help you to overcome your negative emotions more efficiently.

This is like going to the doctor if you had a physical problem. It is okay to ask for help, and it really can help in growing.

8. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

This means staying in the moment, which can help you not to be thinking about an ex. Add some mindfulness exercises or meditation into your daily routine. There are apps and classes that can help you learn how to focus on now and forget the bad thoughts.

By practicing mindfulness, you train your mind to focus on the present moment. This practice can enable you to appreciate your current surroundings, helping to drown out painful memories and allowing you to experience life more fully.

9. Exercise Regularly

Exercise releases happy chemicals in your brain. Do something you enjoy, like dancing, running, or doing yoga. The boost in self-esteem that comes from your consistent actions will help you feel good about reaching your fitness goals.

Also, try joining a class or group. It keeps you active and helps you meet new people. This can lead to new friendships and support.

10. Journal Your Feelings

Writing down feelings is an excellent mode of expression. Every day should have journaling attempted. Document your day, your feelings, or even letters to your ex you will never mail. This is how you can let go of feelings in the head and also make much more sense out of your emotional self.

Over time, journaling might show you certain patterns. It is actually a way in which you grow and see your healing journey positively.

11. Set Goals for Yourself

Setting goals is a powerful way to move forward, setting them in such areas as work, health, or personal growth.

The accomplishment of such goals will enhance your confidence and shift your thoughts away from the past. Celebrate your successes in order to keep a positive attitude.

Avoid negative self talk

12. Avoid Negative Self-Talk

How you speak to yourself matters. After a breakup, it’s easy to slip into a cycle of negative self-talk, but this can hinder your healing process. Practice self-compassion—remind yourself that you deserve kindness and forgiveness, especially from yourself.

Try replacing those negative thoughts whenever you feel them with positive ones. Nice talk to yourself can change your mood and even your health.

13. Join a Support Group

It can be very comforting to talk to others who have gone through similar things. Support groups offer a safe space for sharing and not feeling lonely. You might learn a great deal from others.

You may make new friends and experience new things either online or in person when you join a group. It allows you to see that healing really is possible.

14. Explore New Interests

This is a great time to try new things: new foods, pottery class, hiking group—just anything to help keep your mind and body busy in a good way.

You are able to discover new things that sometimes distract you and at the same time boost your life. You will meet new people, and probably you will get a new passion.

15. Travel to New Places

Traveling gives a new view and a break from daily life. If you can, go to a place you have always wanted to visit, or make a weekend locally.

The new cultures and landscapes bring happiness with the excitement. You will remember that there are good things waiting for you once your relationship ends.

16. Volunteer Your Time

Helping others gives a different view of things and lightens up the mood. Volunteering is one thing that gives you some sense of purpose and relates you to people with similar interests.

Think about volunteering for something you care about. You can serve food at a soup kitchen, mentor kids, or help clean up your community. These acts can make you feel good and help you move on.

17. Focus on Your Career

Redirecting your energy towards your career can be another healthy distraction. Use this time to focus on your professional goals and aspirations. Investing time and effort into your work can be fulfilling and often leads to success and growth.

Consider exploring new skills related to your field, seeking promotions, or even changing jobs if you feel it’s time for a new challenge. Allow your career ambitions to fuel your personal transformation.

18. Read Self-Help Books

Books provide a wealth of knowledge, offering insights into healing and personal growth. Explore self-help literature that speaks to your heart and current situation. Many authors share valuable tools and wisdom that can guide you through your feelings and help you find peace.

Reading can inspire you and introduce new perspectives. Plus, dedicating time to immerse yourself in a good book offers a delightful escape into new worlds and ideas.

19. Practice Gratitude

Cultivating gratitude can shift your focus from what you have lost to what you currently have. Consider keeping a gratitude journal where you jot down things, big or small, that you appreciate in your life. This simple practice changes your mindset and encourages a positive outlook.

Focusing on gratitude can help you rebuild your sense of happiness and fulfillment, making it easier to let go of the past and embrace the future.

20. Establish a New Routine

Creating a structured daily routine can provide stability and predictability in your life, making it easier to move forward. Include self-care practices, recreational activities, and social engagements in your routine. By having a framework, you can gradually fill your days with meaning and purpose.

As your routine evolves, eliminate activities or habits that trigger thoughts of your ex. This structured approach can help reestablish a sense of normalcy as you move on.

21. Give Yourself Time to Heal

Healing is a process that takes time, and everyone’s journey looks different. There’s no fixed timeline for moving on; it’s vital to be patient and compassionate with yourself. Allow yourself to feel sadness but also recognize the moments of joy when they come.

As healing unfolds, celebrate the small victories. Over time, the memories of your ex will likely fade, allowing you to embrace new experiences with an open heart.


Moving on from a past relationship may seem daunting, but it can also be an opportunity for growth, self-discovery, and empowerment. By implementing these strategies, you’ll create a life filled with new experiences, friendships, and personal achievements that pave the road to brighter horizons.


Q: How long does it typically take to get over an ex?
A: The time it takes to heal varies for everyone. It might take weeks, months, or even longer. The important factor is to focus on your healing process rather than rush it.

Q: Should I remain friends with my ex?
A: It depends on your situation. Many people find it helpful to take a break to fully heal before reconsidering a friendship. Prioritize your emotional wellbeing above maintaining a friendship that might hinder your progress.

Q: Can I still think about my ex and move on?
A: Yes, thinking about your ex can be normal after a breakup. However, it’s essential to work towards reducing those thoughts and creating a more fulfilling life moving forward.

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