
How to Win over Women: Attraction and Dating

There are many reasons why men are failing with women and dating today, but I’d like to look at it from an angle that you may not have thought about before.

When it comes to the game of attraction, many men will start becoming needy, clingy, or overwhelmed. This means they’re giving up their own personal independence during that time. It’s all that she sees and knows about him, and it shows signs of dependency on a woman.

Losing your independence is a huge mistake. Why? Because it creates an unhealthy dynamic where the man is seen as weak or less confident. When you make a woman the center of your universe, she starts feeling smothered. Attraction fades because you are not showing the qualities she naturally desires in a man. She needs a man who has his own life, his own goals, and who isn’t afraid to live independently.

When your emotions start to take over, you have to understand where they are coming from and where they fit into the reality of things. Many men fail because they just can’t control their thoughts and physiological response to a beautiful woman. They see a pretty face, and suddenly, they’re acting like they’re in a high-stakes negotiation rather than a natural interaction.

Control Your Thoughts

Just because you’re interested in her doesn’t mean she’s interested in you. And here’s where many men slip up. Women are world-class body language readers. They were born to know what to look for and how to respond, and they can see any sign of nervousness when you are around them. They can sense desperation from miles away.

Any uncontrollable emotional response you have with women upfront—or later on in the relationship when you only see her ‘wonderful’ side and ‘fall for her’—means that you are losing your own power, strength, and independence. It shows you are already confused and muddled, possibly because of growing up being hidden from the truth.


When this happens, she CANNOT be attracted to you. So all the nice guys out there who try to put their ‘best’ foot forward (and are not really being their true selves) are really failing and stepping on their own feet. They’re not being honest with themselves and their intentions.

How to Win over Women: Attraction and Dating

Not to mention that many women today don’t want to be courted or feel like they owe a guy a committed relationship. They want to be free and let things happen more naturally. Forced connections rarely work out.

Many guys get so nervous and self-conscious around the women they desire that they don’t realize there’s nothing they could say to salvage it. She already lost interest the second she saw him, yet they’ll still try to learn pick-up lines in a desperate attempt to succeed. Their devotion to it becomes unnatural. When men resort to these tactics, they often overlook the simple truth that attraction is not something you force; it’s something that flows naturally.

Men Have Innate Power

All men were born with the inherent power to please women. It’s all done on a natural level that’s really more important to her than money—except for the gold-diggers. And she has to be able to trust the man to BE a man. Women want a man who can take charge, make decisions, and guide the relationship.

Women are waiting for the ‘real men’ who respect her and her body without saying a word because there are so few left anymore. Women appreciate honesty, confidence, and emotional intelligence. They crave someone who is not only strong but also empathetic, who knows how to listen and communicate without pretense or games.

Just get in touch with your natural power as a man to reach the natural part of all women. This power is greater than your own independent ‘personality’ or your social character, and it’s the power that matters when it comes to succeeding with women and giving women what they want.


Becoming Comfortable in Your Own Skin

Become a man who is ‘comfortable in his own skin’ and maintain that congruency, and you’ll find that women will treat you differently and actually notice you. Confidence comes from within; it’s about accepting who you are and showing it without fear or hesitation.

Her interest means everything because she is the one who chooses you or not (as a response to your character or approach), but as a man, you will lead the way. A woman needs to feel secure in a man’s presence, knowing that he is in control of his own life and emotions.

The nice guy will fail in attracting women because he’s not inspiring an instinctual or natural response in her to him. Being “nice” is not a problem, but being overly accommodating or self-sacrificing can be. Women don’t want a doormat; they want a man who stands up for himself and his values.

Owning Your Mistakes and Growing from Them

Is it his fault for growing up in a forced reality that covers up his real power and effectiveness? No. Many men are conditioned to be overly polite or submissive because they were taught that this is the way to win a woman’s heart.

Does he have to take accountability for his actions and future? Yes. Understanding these things will allow him to move forward into a whole level of success that he has only dreamed of. It’s all about learning and adapting, realizing that each mistake is a lesson, and every experience is an opportunity for growth.

Shifting Your Perspective

You can’t go with a woman you’re not attracted to, just as much as she can’t go with a man of low character. Women today love sex just as much as men, but they expect a guy they can trust first. If you’re showing signs of dependency or that you’re too interested in her and would change your ways to be with her, it ain’t going to work out.

The good news is that women will KNOW when you are the man they want.

To prevent failure, just become a man of high character across the three areas that matter: natural, independent, and social. Then you will have women wanting to be with you and not giving up the chance to meet you.

Embrace Your Authentic Self

Be what women want by truly becoming the man you were supposed to be instead of having to trick them into something, and you’ll be able to attract women nonverbally. Actions speak louder than words, and when you embody the qualities of strength, confidence, and independence, women will be drawn to you without you having to say a thing.

All men have this power and potential despite their money or looks. It’s all about how she feels when she’s around you, and that ALL comes down to your character and who you are. Work on becoming the best version of yourself—a man who is confident, secure, and self-sufficient. These are the traits that naturally attract women.

Moving Forward with Confidence

Start focusing on yourself. Look at your habits, your mindset, and your lifestyle. Are they contributing to becoming the kind of man women naturally feel attracted to? Or are they leading you down the path of being needy and dependent?

Take care of your body, your mind, and your passions. These are the things that make you more appealing to women. Women are not just looking for looks; they’re looking for a man who knows his value and carries himself accordingly.

So, I recommend this: To prevent failure and have success with women and dating, focus on becoming the best version of yourself. Trust me, when you do, they’ll come to you, naturally.

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