The Art of Using Lofty Question to Hack Your Brain and Achieve Peak Performance

In the quest of personal transformation, there exists a remarkable technique that transcends conventional affirmations, a method of self-hypnosis that transcends the limitations of mere positive statements. It’s advanced techniques more than you might have known other techniques in law of attraction. It’s a powerful practice called “Lofty Questions,” a profound approach to reshaping your belief system and actualizing your envisioned identity. Let me take you on a journey through this extraordinary method and its transformative impact.

The Uselessness of Affirmations

Before we explore the power of Lofty Questions, let’s first understand why affirmations often fall short in creating real change. Back in the 1980s, Jose Silva, a pioneer in mind-science, declared that affirmations don’t usually work for most people. This may come as a surprise, as affirmations have been widely promoted as a tool for positive thinking. So why do affirmations fail to produce the desired results?

The key lies in our subconscious mind. You see, when you repeat an affirmation that contradicts your existing beliefs, doubts can arise, undermining the effectiveness of the affirmation. For example, if you tell yourself “I am amazing,” but deep down, you don’t truly believe it, you’ll find yourself questioning the validity of the statement.

What are the Lofty Questions

Lofty questions are questions starting with “why.”

These inquiries allow you to go deep into your mind and implant the belief because they have your mind find the answer and make it come true for you.

According to Christie Marie Sheldon, intuitive healer and Mindvalley’s trainer of Unlimited Abundance Quest, lofty questions are action-oriented questions that lift you and skyrocket the universe into positively manifesting your dreams.

The Art of Using Lofty Question to Hack Your Brain and Achieve Peak Performance

Whether you are aware of that or not, many people ask themselves anti-lofty questions like “How come I’m so broke?”, “Why am I so unhappy in my life?”, or “How come my family or friends aren’t around me when I need them the most?

Unlike lofty questions, they are stopping you from achieving what you desire.

“They are literally stripping away your manifestation powers,” she adds.

For example, if you are asked not to think of a pink elephant, it will be the first thing to pop up in your mind.

In the same way, when you ask yourself questions like “Why am I so unfulfilled?”, you are putting yourself in lower vibration energy, and the Universe will answer you back with all the reasons why you’re unfulfilled.

The Universe loves you so much that it always responds to your questions.― Christie Marie Sheldon, intuitive healer and Mindvalley’s trainer of Unlimited Abundance Quest

What you want to ask are questions like: 

  • Why am I so abundant?
  • Why am I so fulfilled in every aspect of my life?
  • “Why am I so successful in everything I do?”

Ask the right questions, and it (whatever you asked) will be given to you.

In essence, lofty questions shift your focus from negative to positive, from your current reality to your unlimited possibilities. 

Lofty Questions, on the other hand, offer a refreshing alternative to affirmations. Rather than making declarative statements about your desired identity, you pose questions to your brain, essentially asking for evidence to support the identity you want to embody. By doing so, you engage your subconscious mind in a quest for answers, enabling you to gradually shift your beliefs and perspectives.

When and How to Use Lofty Questions

You want to write down your lofty questions for every area of your life and memorize them. 

When to use them:

  • After you wake up
  • Before you fall asleep
  • During meditation

Here’s how to do it after you wake up in the morning:

  • Upon waking up, without opening your eyes, ask yourself your lofty questions
  • Don’t affirm but ask a question with a rising inflection

Here’s how to do it before you fall asleep:

  • Close your eyes and relax
  • Use any technique to relax your body from head to toe
  • When you are fully relaxed, ask yourself your lofty questions
  • Don’t affirm but ask a question with a rising inflection

You can also incorporate lofty questions into your meditation practice when you are in an altered state of consciousness.

Your goals will come to you as you think of them. You can influence things outside of probable cause.― Vishen, founder of Mindvalley and author of The 6 Phase Meditation Method

If you use the 6 Phase Meditation, use it in the fourth phase of this guided meditation—vision for your future.

Instead of using the power of visualization, you ask your lofty questions and allow this vision to be presented to you in ways you can’t imagine.

At the end of the day, the Universe has much greater imagination than you.

Vishen, founder of Mindvalley and author of The 6 Phase Meditation Method, on stage at Mindvalley University, giving an example of lofty questions
Vishen, founder of Mindvalley and author of The 6 Phase Meditation Method, gives an example of lofty questions

Unleashing the Power of Lofty Questions

Now that we understand the basis of Lofty Questions, let’s explore how they work and how they can revolutionize your life. Imagine you desire to gain better mental clarity, a trait that can significantly impact your productivity and overall well-being. Here’s an example of Lofty Questions you could ask yourself:

  • Why am I so creative at work?
  • Why do I Always surrounded by love and happiness
  • Why am I going to be in flow today as I write my book?
  • Why do I have such badass levels of focus?
  • Why am I so clear on my vision and goals?
  • Why do I operate with such a profound sense of purpose?

Just asking one of these questions can have a tremendous impact on your life. The beauty of Lofty Questions lies in the fact that they prompt your subconscious mind to search for evidence to support the desired identity. As you gather more and more evidence through personal experiences and synchronicities, your belief in the new identity strengthens, allowing you to fully embody it.

Here are some List of Lofty Questions to get you started. Choose whatever resonates with you.

Lofty Questions for Well-being
  • Why am I always learning and growing?
  • Why do I eat only the foods that are best for my body?
  • Why do I have such a sexy, ripped, muscular body?
  • Why am I getting younger and younger every year?
  • Why am I in a perfect state of health?
  • Why is my body healing itself and getting better and better year after year?
The Art of Using Lofty Question to Hack Your Brain and Achieve Peak Performance

Lofty Questions for Love and Connection
  • Why do I have such an exciting and active dating life?
  • Why do I have such a thrilling and exciting sex life?
  • Why do people find me so attractive?
  • Why do I spark love and joy to everyone who comes into my life?
  • Why am I always surrounded by love?
  • Why do I have such an amazing relationship with my kids (insert names)?
  • Why do I have such an amazing relationship with my partner (insert name)?
  • Why do I have such an amazing team of people working with me?
Lofty Questions for Abundance and Power
  • Why do I have an avalanche of abundance flowing down on me for all my goals, visions, and inspirations?
  • Why am I so good at managing, keeping, and multiplying money?
  • Why do I run a ten-million-dollar business?
  • Why is my income growing every year with ease?
  • Why is my work touching one million lives every year?
  • Why do I have such a beautiful home in (insert location)?
  • Why am I such a powerful manifester?
  • Why do I have the Universe on my side?
Lofty Questions for Creativity and Inspiration
  • Why do I have such powerful intuition?
  • Why are my days always so filled with inspiration?
  • Why am I so clear on my goals and visions?
  • Why am I such an amazing writer/producer/filmmaker?
  • Why is my day-to-day work so inspiring for me?

Personal Testimony: The Power of Lofty Questions

Allow me to share a personal testimony that highlights the transformative power of Lofty Questions. In January of 2016, I decided to ask myself the Lofty Question, “Why do I have such a healthy, sexy body?” At that time, I had just turned forty and was not in the best shape of my life. However, I was determined to have a body I could be proud of and that made me feel great.

Every day during my meditation practice, I would ask myself this question, taking only five seconds to do so. Two weeks later, I attended a mastermind event where I met Eric Edmeades, the creator of the WildFit program. Inspired by the question I had been asking myself, I decided to join his ninety-day program for free.

Within three months, I had lost twelve pounds of fat, bringing my body fat percentage down to 15%. The results were astounding, and my relationship with food and overall health had transformed. Encouraged by this success, I continued asking Lofty Questions and changed it to “Why do I have such a ripped, muscular body?”

By July 2016, only six months later, I had gained seven pounds of pure muscle, and my chest had expanded so much that my wardrobe needed a complete upgrade. The results I achieved from asking the Lofty Question surpassed my expectations, leaving me with a body I was proud of and a newfound sense of confidence.

The Enigmatic Reality of Lofty Questions

At this point, you might be wondering what precisely makes Lofty Questions so powerful. Is it some mystical, mind-bending phenomenon? Or is it simply our brain’s reticular activating system (RAS) at work?

While the debate between spiritual philosophers and scientific explanations may continue, what truly matters is that Lofty Questions work. Whether it’s through the activation of synchronicity or the internal workings of our mind, the fact remains that by asking the right questions, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and manifest new realities.

Getting Started with Lofty Questions

Now that you understand the incredible potential of Lofty Questions, here’s how you can incorporate this technique into your daily practice:

  1. Review the journal entries you made during the first two steps of crafting your new identity. Use these insights to construct Lofty Questions that align with the shifts you want to make.
  2. Write down five to ten Lofty Questions that resonate with you. These questions will serve as your guiding mantra for transformation.
  3. Commit these questions to memory and incorporate them into your meditation practice. Set aside time in the morning or before bed to ask yourself these questions and let them sink into your subconscious mind.
  4. As you progress on your journey and circumstances change, feel free to modify or add new Lofty Questions. This practice is adaptable and evolves with you.

By consistently practicing the art of asking Lofty Questions, you’ll witness the incredible transformation that can unfold in your life. The consistent reinforcement of your desired identity will create a beautiful balance between work and well-being, happiness and joy, allowing you to become the best version of yourself.

So go ahead, embrace the power of Lofty Questions, and unlock the limitless potential within you. It’s time to transcend affirmations and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Note: The list of lofty questions are taken out from the book called The Buddha and Badass by Vishen Lakhiani here’s article src:-

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