Love Psychology: The Science Behind Relationships and Emotional Bonds

There are  the love psychological fact you need to know if you have a crush on his\her. It will help you know him\her in a better way so that you can understand your crush and make them fall in love..

Love Psychology Quotes

Now, Explore the Psychological Fact of Love…

When people in love stare into each other’s eyes, their heart beats sync together.

People Who Are In Love Have
Chemical Similarities With People With OCD.

Looking Into Each Others’ Eyes Can Make Strangers Fall In Love.

Psychological fact about love

Never change for someone. If they can’t accept you for who you are at your worst, they don’t deserve to see you at your best.

Physical touch makes you healthier. Studies show that massages, hugs and hand holdings reduce stress and boost the immune system.

Overthinking is just a painful reminder that you care entirely too much, even when you shouldn’t.

If you feel tired, stressed or are having a headache – cuddling or hugging is the best alternative to painkillers.

Being in a relationship positively shapes your personality.

love psychology eye trick

Heartbreak is real! Research has shown that intense emotional stress from break-ups, divorce or losing a loved one releases chemicals that weaken your heart. This is known as Broken Heart Syndrome and when it manifests as chests pains and shortness of breath it is often misdiagnosed as a heart attack.

A person who truly loves you will never let you go or give up on you, no matter how hard the situation is.

Our mouths are houses for bacteria. When people kiss each other they exchange approximately 10 million to 1 billion bacteria.

Psychological fact of love

A sweet and romantic kiss would help you burn about 2-3 calories and if you continue kissing longer it would help you burning more than 5 calories. This doesn’t mean that you can slim down by kissing.

You’re not afraid to fall in love, you’re just afraid of falling for the wrong person.

Love is pure, love is painful, love is sweet, and love is dreadful .

Love psychological fact

Be attractive, as a study shows that most people make decision regarding a person’s attraction within three seconds of meeting.

Love and laughter go hand in hand.

Hugging your partner is an instant stress reliever.

Most of the time, boys make the first move. But, if a girl does it then, believe me, no one can love you more than that girl.

Eye contact facts

Once you fall in love, there’s no going back to being just friends.

The longer you hide your feelings for someone, the harder you fall for that individual.

If your man spends less time with you or if he is no longer romantic or tries to start fights then he is about to break up. So observe your man.

Love facts in creativity

Talkative girls and silent boys make the best couples.

Most people text faster when it’s someone they like.

Studies show that on average, a crush lasts only four months. If the crush still continues it means you are in love.

Men, maintain good body language. When a man first approaches a woman, she will base 7% of her initial impression on what he says, 38% on his style of speaking and 55% on his appearance and body language.

Perfect love is the combination of passion, commitment and intimacy based on the triangular theory of love.

66 percent of people keep their eyes closed while kissing. I think it’s the passion and love for the partner that is making them close their eyes. I don’t know what’s the case with the people who don’t close their eyes.

Thinking Of Love Influences Creativity And Concrete Thinking, Respectively.

The more attractive you find someone, the more difficult it becomes to lie to them.

When flirting with the average amount of glances to ‘send a signal’ it is 3.

Less than a second after looking at the one we love, the brain releases chemicals such as oxytocin and dopamine providing a sense of intense happiness and wellbeing.

love psychology quotes

Dilated Pupils Show Your Attraction To Someone And Make You More Attractive.

Falling In Love Makes You More Creative. Thinking about love makes people think more “globally” and gives them the ability to come up with new ideas, according to a 2009 study by researchers at the University of Amsterdam.

Never lie to someone who trusts you, and never trust someone who lies to you.

falling in love psychology

According to anthropologists 90 percent of people kiss and we all know why. If someone reading this does not know why, stop reading articles and kiss someone.

We also tend to fall in love with someone who looks like ourselves.

love psychology eye trick

Women don’t fall in love easily, it will take 14 dates for them to fall in love. Men are more sincere in this fact, it takes just three dates for them.

Men who kiss their wives in the morning are thought to live up to 5 years longer.

If a person cares for you, then people believe that the person who cares is trustworthy.

When two strangers are forced to talk and maintain eye contact for a while, it can make them fall in love.

Don’t love what you can’t trust. Don’t hate what you can’t have. Don’t say what you can’t show. Don’t judge what you don’t know.

Make a person fall in love with themselves and they’ll fall in love with you.

You really love him/her right? Did I mention a name? No, I didn’t. But still, you thought of that person. It’s a typical psychological reaction.

When a guy likes a girl, he’ll look her in the eye. When a girl likes a guy, she’ll look away

Love psychological fact

It will only take up to 4 minutes to decide whether you like someone or not. As such, if you want to make a good impression on someone, you have only got around 4 minutes to do so. Getting and keeping someone’s attention and attraction is believed to have more to do with body language and tone and speed of your voice rather than things that you actually say.

23% of the couples who meet through online dating end up marrying.

Men tend to fall in love after just 3 days, but women don’t fall in love until Date 13 onwards.

We fall in love with someone because of how they make us feel about ourselves .

Love can also exert the same stress on your body as deep fear. You see the same physiological responses—pupil dilation, sweaty palms, and increased heart rate.

A powerful sense of humour is correlated with a high sense of intelligence, no wonder ladies long to be with humorous men.

Cuddling Releases Natural Painkillers.

The wrong person makes you beg for attention, affection, love and commitment. The right person gives you these things easily because they love you.

Being single will save you a thousand times more stress than being in the wrong relationship.

Being in love saves you money on trips to the doctor.

It’s painful to say goodbye to someone you don’t want to let go, but more painful to ask someone to stay when you know they want to leave.

Holding hands with someone you love can alleviate physical pain as well as stress and fear.

Looking nice is important to every woman.

Genuine compliments will take you a long way.

Girls usually fell for those guys in whom they can see their father’s shadow if you want to impress her just observe and behave like her father.

Girls who laugh and talk a lot usually cry alone at night girls like the boys who asks them for advice. 

Whenever a boy says I love you to a girl she feels that she is the most beautiful woman in the world. 

Girls love it when you compliment call them intelligent, call them smart,  call them pretty,surprise.

Gifts flowers and holidays are always welcome may be a cliche point but does wonders to make her feel special.

 A girl feels sad when she misses her love but she will feel 100 times more sadder when she comes to know that the opposite person is not missing her.  

A girl cannot keep a secret for more than 47 hours she would share with someone definitely.

Girl spends one year of their lifetime just to decide which dress to wear.  

When a girl is in love she will never think about any other guy so if your lady is more interested to talk about other guys while dating you dude she don’t love you move on.

A girl might not trust her boyfriend every time but she would always love her beloved and trusted one.

A woman will never like you over praising another woman even your mother.

Women tend to fall in love with those who talk naughty if she teases you and gives you nicknames she is usually attracted to you and sees you as more than a friend.

Girls love their father the most but sadly it’s their father who in most of the cases forces her to marry someone of his choice rather than of her choice.

Makeouts are more emotional for females as compared to males for males it’s more physical. 

Seventy percent of girls use silence to express pain.

Forty percent deliveries in america are of unmarried women.

Girls are more romantic than boys but they will never show or admit it when she is attracted towards man. She speaks in a higher pitch than normal.

Girls often take decisions on the basis of emotions rather than going by logic.

The average woman owns 19 pairs of shoes but only wear seven pairs.

Most of the girls are very insecure about themselves so they get really jealous and hate it when you praise other girls in front of them.

Girls are better at multitasking.

Girls are more likely to say I am sorry because they are more likely to think they have done something wrong.  

52 of girls would like to lose weight but only 33 percent think they are overweight.

Taller women are more likely to get cancer.

Women spend over four years of their lives menstruating every 90 seconds. One woman dies during pregnancy or childbirth.

Girls heart beat faster than guys if you want to win in an argument.

Just be quiet for a while and see the result women tend to remember more of those who ignore them than those who constantly talk to them.

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