How to Command Your Body to Heal Faster | Marisa Peer’s Remarkable DICC Technique

How to Command Your Body to Heal Faster | Marisa Peer's Remarkable DICC Technique

In this article, we witness the incredible healing journey of Marissa Peer, a renowned hypnotherapist who was involved in a horrific accident inobello Road, London. Despite fracturing her leg in 14 different points and receiving a prognosis of six months to recover, Marissa defied all odds and healed within just six weeks. Her secret? The power of commanding the body …

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Visualization Techniques

Visualize the life you truly want. People who are successful often employ the visualization process. If there’s something you truly want, you need to put that big brain of yours to work. Imagine what you want is right in front of you or create the path to get there in your mind. Dream about what you want and create pictures …

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The Art of Using Lofty Question to Hack Your Brain and Achieve Peak Performance

The Art of Using Lofty Question to Hack Your Brain and Achieve Peak Performance

In the quest of personal transformation, there exists a remarkable technique that transcends conventional affirmations, a method of self-hypnosis that transcends the limitations of mere positive statements. It’s advanced techniques more than you might have known other techniques in law of attraction. It’s a powerful practice called “Lofty Questions,” a profound approach to reshaping your belief system and actualizing your …

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Compassion: The Key to Positive Relationships and Personal Growth

Today, we’re delving deep into the first of the six phases, compassion. Compassion is one of the most intriguing qualities of being human. Research by scientist Richard J. Davidson at the University of Wisconsin-Madison revealed that compassion and kindness are trainable skills. You can learn to become a kinder person, and you can instill kindness in your children. Compassion has …

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