
The Leader Who Had No Title by Robin Sharma

About the Book “The Leaders who Had No Title “

We are living in a world where everything is changing very fast. In such a situation, you can either simply survive like a loser or emerge fearlessly like a leader. How do you react in any situation? Can you influence people in a positive way? This book will tell you about four leadership principles that will change your life completely.

Who should read this summary?

  • People who want to be leaders
  • To employees of every level in the organization
  • People of all professions

About the author

Robin Sharma is a writer from Canada. Earlier he was a lawyer but he loved writing and left his career to pursue his passion. Robin is one of the most widely read writers in the world today. He was ranked fifth in the list of world’s top leadership gurus. Robin is also a famous blogger and social media celebrity.

Meaningful Excerpt: 

Management offered me the position of Vice President several times but I declined. I don’t like any kind of title. I don’t mean to say that anyone in any organization There shouldn’t be a position or a title. My point is just that every person in the organization should be the CEO of his or her own position”. The surprising thing was that Blake found this philosophy very interesting. 


Do you feel that your work in the organization does not matter? Do you think people see top management as a leader? Do you want people to like and admire you? So the answer is very simple, everyone is a leader. It is too late to bring this quality out from within. You don’t need a specific title or a big cabin in the office to be a leader. You just have to have the courage to face the challenges. A leader is one who believes in himself and leaves an indelible mark on the world with his passion. In this book, you will learn four such principles of leadership that will help you a lot. 

The Leader Who Had No Title Robin Sharma

They will help you become an amazing leader whether you have a special title or not. You will also learn how to inspire your teammates and shine like a star by doing extraordinary work. These four principles are presented in the form of stories and their characters come from the imagination of the author. This is the story of Blake Davis, who was earlier a soldier and now lived in New York. Nothing was going well in his life and then he met a guru and four such teachers who changed his life.

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Chapter 1: Leadership & Success Are Your Birthrights

Blake was born in an ordinary family. His parents weren’t perfect, but whatever happened to them, they did everything they could for Blake. It is human nature that those who love us the most, we take them for granted, that is, we do not understand their importance. Similarly, Blake also realized this after his parents passed away. His thinking and life had changed. 

Around the age of 20, Blake changed many jobs. For him, a job was just a means to pass the time and meet the day-to-day expenses. One day, he thought of joining the army so that he could be more busy And have more people around them. Discipline started coming in Blake’s life with military training, as if someone had shaped his life. 

After training, he was sent to fight the war in Iraq. The painful memories of the war entered Blake’s mind and continued to haunt him. Many of his friends were badly injured in the war and many lost their lives. 

As Blake was in shock, he could not recover from it, so he was sent back home. Now he was again in his house where there was only loneliness and despair. He had neither a purpose nor a mission in his life. Sitting empty-handed, he would often think, “I wish I had died in the war of Iraq, how good it would be”. Thankfully, his parents had taught him a very good habit which was reading books. 

Self-learning is the best way to get out of difficult times. So Blake started working at a famous bookstore – “Bright Mind Books”. His manager didn’t like his way of working but the customers there started liking Blake. One day, a strange man entered the store. She shared many life lessons with Blake that changed Blake’s life completely. We are all made to win. It’s only up to you what you choose.

In difficult times, either you You can break down like a helpless person by shrinking or trying to find opportunities to get out of it, which makes you even stronger after coming out of that trouble.

Chapter 2: My Meeting with a Leadership Mentor 

Blake and his team called a meeting on Monday. His manager informed him about the decline in sales. He also announced that he was soon going to choose the Best Employee of the Year and that the winner would be presented with a badge, cash prize and a week’s vacation in Arabia. As always, Blake wasn’t excited at all because he didn’t feel like he was doing anything different or special at work. He was drinking coffee standing alone in a corner when suddenly someone patted Blake on the shoulder. He looked back and saw an old man standing there. Blake was astonished to see them, the man dressed in old, sloppy clothes, but on his feet were sparkling new shoes. He had a chain around his neck on which LWT was written. He named his name as Tommy Flynn. 

Tommy was an employee of the same bookstore at another location. He received the Best Employee Award for five consecutive years. He also told that he was a friend of Blake’s father Oscar. Blake thought of his father and he was filled with tears. Tommy consoled Blake and said, “The Oscars have supported me a lot through my difficult times. He used to say that you have a lot of potential, Blake, but you don’t perform at your best.”

Hearing this, there was a place in Blake’s heart for Tommy, but he still had some doubts about him. Tommy said that he had come to tell Blake about the leadership philosophy that four teachers had taught him years ago.

Those lessons had awakened the natural power within him. The LWT which was written on Tommy’s chain made a big difference in his life. Now he was living the life he had always dreamed of. Upon hearing this, Blake taunted, “If that’s true why are you a modest store clerk like me?” Tommy calmly replied, “Why would I leave a job I love? Age is nothing more than a number. Also, management offered me the position of Vice President several times but I declined. I don’t like any kind of title. I don’t mean to say that anyone in any organization There shouldn’t be a position or a title. My point is just that every person in the organization should be the CEO of his or her own position”. The surprising thing was that Blake found this philosophy very interesting.

Leadership is not about position or status but it is about how well you are performing in your job. Blake noticed Tommy’s visiting card saying “Human Being” in the job title, which surprised him. Seeing his reaction, Tommy explained that before you can be a leader, you need to be a good and good person. Tommy also said this Said that “the less reward you aspire to get, the more you will get. Always perform your best selfless and you will definitely get what you deserve. 

Money is a by-product of this SEW – Serious Exceptional Work.” Blake was more interested to know what LWT meant. Before explaining this, Tommy asked Blake to make a promise that he would share the concept with others. Blake immediately agreed to this.

Also read:- Think and Grow Rich By Napoleon hill 

Chapter 3: The Sad Costs of Mediocrity and the Spectacular Rewards of Leadership Mastery 

Blake was very excited to meet those four teachers. He went to the cemetery to meet Tommy at 5 in the morning. Tommy chose the cemetery for the first meeting because he believed that death is the only truth that can change a person. Just thinking about your end, you start taking care of your loved ones, you start living life better by appreciating it and thinking about doing something that the world will remember you even after you are gone. Blake arrives to meet Tommy on time. 

He was stunned to see his car. It was a sparkling new black Porsche 917S! He saw Tommy standing some distance away. Blake parked his car and walked towards it. Astonished when Blake arrived, Tommy was standing in front of two graves that had just been excavated. Tommy praises Blake for being on time. He then said, “Leaders do things that losers are never ready to do. Losers complain that they don’t have time to do something while leaders wake up an hour earlier every day to do something amazing.” I only believe that when you are dead you will have time to sleep but sometimes this time falls short to do something in this world and make a deep impact It’s very easy to get success if you keep doing the right things consistently.

When you can’t push yourself, you’ll never be able to show direction to the people around you, you’ll never be a leader.” Blake agreed. Tommy gave him his chain and told him that LWT meant “Lead Without a Title.” Blake was delighted to learn about it but he was still thinking of those two graves. Tommy jumped into a grave and placed them there. Asked to pick up the tablet. Blake began to read the capital letters written on the tablet. “Ten Human Regrets” means ten things that cause pity, remorse or sorrow in a person’s heart. Tommy explained that while you are waiting for death in your bed, you will regret these ten things. those ten pity something like this:

  • 1. The beautiful song of life, which was to sing for your life, remained silent inside you
  • 2. Never Experience Your Natural Powers to Do Great Things
  • 3. Never Inspire Anyone By Setting An Example
  • 4. Never took any risk hence never got reward
  • 5. Never gave up on ordinary and average thinking and thus missed out on many golden opportunities
  • 6. Never learned the art of turning a challenging situation into a victory
  • 7. Never helped others with their work
  • 8. Life Didn’t Live the Way You Wanted
  • 9. Never felt like being your best
  • 10. Never tried to be a leader or leave a mark on the world 

Blake was shocked to read this. He did not want to die with a heart full of remorse. Then Tommy asked them to go to another grave. Upon reaching there, Blake was shocked to see that because there was a real gold tablet lying on it which was written “Ten Human Victories” i.e. ten victories of man. Those victories are like this:

  • 1. You applied your talent and skills for a great job
  • 2. You maintained a high standard in whatever work you did in life 
  • 3. You openly embraced your bravery and fear
  • 4. Instead of pushing people back, you have helped and pushed them forward
  • 5. You always maintained the spirit of getting up even after the stumbling block of life and never gave up hope
  • 6. You have added value to the lives of many
  • 7. You were a positive person who always encouraged others 
  • 8. You were an innovator who made his own way instead of following the old ways
  • 9. You have earned many relationships that people love and respect you
  • 10. You are a role model who played a leader without a title

Now it depends on you how you want to feel when you are taking your last breath. If you still want to live an ordinary and average life, you will go to the first grave. But if you aim for the Extraordinary, then it will lead you to the grave of that golden tablet. The feeling of death changes your mindset and attitude and awakens the leader in you. 

LWT will be easy only if you stay focused to do the right thing and stick to it without staggering as great leaders do. Instead of finding excuses and blaming others, start facing the challenge, help others, look for opportunities and keep doing your work unconditionally. You can do this by mixing your emotions, energy and passion together, then only real change happens.

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Chapter 4: The First Leadership Conversation: 

You need no title to be a leader Blake and Tommy leave for Manhattan(place). Tommy takes Blake to an expensive and luxurious hotel and introduces him to Anna, the first teacher. Ana was from Argentina, which was full of passion. When she was very young, her parents had passed away in an accident. His grandmother took care of him. Since then, Anna used to give great importance to her every relationship.

Although Anna was just a housekeeper, she was no less than a brand ambassador with her demeanor( behaviour towards others)  and balanced attitude. That’s why Anna was one of the highest rated employees of that hotel. Anna welcomed both of them with a beautiful smile. Blake asked Anna, “How can a housekeeping job be exciting or exciting when the housekeeper is not respected in society?” Anna replied, “I realized how well it took me to run this hotel is necessary. I do my work honestly. And I try to perform my best every moment. The position or title that is given to you has a power associated with it, but when that title is taken away or gone, that power also goes back with that title. 

So if you become a leader without a title, the power associated with it will always be with you.” Blake was fully aware of this as he began to associate himself with the power of his rank in the Army and when he returned to his normal life, he felt weak and powerless. Anna gave him a napkin with something written on it. It was written “4 Natural Powers”. We all have the power that: 

  1. Go to work everyday and perform amazing You don’t need a title for this. 
  2. Inspire and influence others by setting an example. You don’t need a title to do this
  3. Bring positive changes in negative situations. You don’t need a title for this
  4. Raise the culture of the organization by treating everyone with respect and kindness. You don’t need a title to do this.

Anna took Blake in a big luxurious bathroom and asked them to read the words written on the glass with red lipstick. There was IMAGE written. Tommy coughed loudly, Anna told him I asked for water. After Tommy felt better, Anna explained the first principle of “Lead Without a Title” to the philosophy of leading without a title, which was “You don’t need a title to be a leader”. This principle had five rules that could be learned by applying it:

The leader who had no title

  1. I-Innovation– Keep making small improvements in your work every day. Dream big but start with small changes.
  2. M-Mastery – Follow FMOB which means Be the First, the Most, the Only, and the Best.  you should have mastery in it, so keep practicing. Aim to be the best in the world. 
  3. A-Authenticity – Be truthful as you are, keep yourself away from pretense and say what you truly believe in. Influence the people around you in a positive way by staying true to your talent and values. 
  4. G- Guts– As you grow, things will go wrong and you will also face failure. Even the people around you will try to stop you and break your courage but you need to start a fresh and get yourself motivated. 
  5. E- Ethics – Follow the path of honesty. If you do the right thing and follow the right path, you can never go wrong. With this Anna said, “Blake you will be a great leader, just remember this philosophy forever”.

Understand the natural power within you, it will help you to face the challenge. Learn to take responsibility for your own work and grow as a leader. Try to bring small innovations in your daily work. When you learn to break the boundary of your given title then only you can become a leader. It is not only going to change your life but it is also going to change the lives of the people around you.

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Chapter 5: The 2nd Leadership Conversation: Turbulent Times Build Great Leaders 

Tommy parks a car in the Tribeca area of ​​New York City. He then took Blake to a ski shop to meet another teacher – Tye Boyd. Tye was once a five-time world skiing champion. After an accident, he worked as a skiing instructor at several ski resorts around the world. Tye later opened his own ski shop and settled in Tribeca. 

Although this work did not earn him much, but he was happy that he was doing a work that he loved. Tye welcomed Blake and Tommy with a warm hug. He shared the second principal which was “Difficult Times Build Great Leaders” i.e. the toughest times make great leaders. 

Tye explained that everything is changing in the business world today. if you close your eyes and keep waiting for the problem to end without trying, then you will disappear from the market very soon. But if you choose to face your fear, your boundaries will move forward, you will not be limited. Difficult times make us understand our potential better.

Along with this, difficult times give us that golden opportunity which can completely change our life. Learn to embrace the change happening around you and try to bring change yourself. 

People may laugh at you but follow KMF with courage i.e. Keep Moving Forward. Tommy was feeling sick again, he was having trouble breathing. But after some time he started feeling better. 

The special word of this Second Principle was SPARK. Tye explained the five rules of SPARK. SPARK stands for – 

The Leader Who Had No Title by Robin Sharma

  1. S – Speak with Candor – Communicate to inspire others. Do not hide things, speak openly and speak the truth. At first people may not like your true words but later they will appreciate it. 
  2. P– Prioritize – Focus on important activities and perform them in the best possible way. Put your time, talent and energy into it.. 
  3. A- Adversity creates Opportunity – Great opportunity is hidden in a difficult situation. No matter how scary that situation is, you have to be brave to face it. 
  4. R- Response vs React – People react negatively in pressure situations. A true leader is one who is able to solve that situation calmly and intelligently instead of standing silently in fear. He does not react unnecessarily but responds properly and leads people in challenging situations.
  5. K- Kudos – When someone does a good job, praise them. Don’t wait for your manager to praise your teammates. You can also pat their back. 

A leader shines like a star even in difficult times. He does not run away from the situation but inspires people by giving a befitting reply. Rapid changes can scare you but if you control your fear then you will definitely win. The more difficulties you have to face, the more you will come to know about your own strength.

Chapter 6: The 3rd Leadership Conversation: The Deeper Your Relationships, the Stronger Your Leadership

After this Tommy and Blake reach the New York Public Library. They both went to the roof of the library, a place Blake didn’t know about. The view of the sky from there was worth watching. Beautiful flowers were blooming all around. His sweet-smelling fragrance was dissolved in the air. 

Tommy introduces Blake to Jackson Chan. A few years ago, Jackson was a CEO in Shanghai. Once he had come to visit New York and he fell in love with that city. Since then he decided to stay there and fulfill his hobby of gardening. This was the reason why Jackson was working as a gardener in the Public Library. Jackson welcomed him. He told Blake that the principle he was about to teach was lost in today’s running world. It was about connecting with people and adding value to their lives.

The third principle is The stronger your relationships, the stronger your leadership will be. Today people have forgotten the true meaning of relationships. 

Everyone is just busy competing with each other. But in an organization every person matters. That is why it is very important to keep everyone connected with each other. To build a strong relationship with your peers, customers, shareholders, you should take the first step. It takes a lot of effort and patience to make a connection with people, but once that bond is formed, you will feel a sense of belonging. 

The Leader Who Had No Title by Robin Sharma

The principle word was HUMAN –

  1. H- Helpfulness â€“ Help people to move forward in their life and contribute to the company by returning more money than what your company gives you.
  2. U – Understanding – Develop your listening skills to understand people. Listen to people with your ears and heart open.
  3. M- Mingle – Build a network by connecting with people outside your comfort zone. Connect with people at every level.
  4.  A- Amuse – Enjoy your work. Make your work environment such where people enjoy working and where there is no pressure of work alone. This will increase the energy level of your colleagues, which will increase their productivity.
  5. N- Nurture – There is a unique quality hidden in everyone. Find the best quality of people and develop it for the success of the team.

A leader should have a transparent and positive relationship with his people. Remember, the more you help them achieve their goals, the more they will be ready to help you achieve your goals. Nowadays people are only nice to those who treat them well. But you should always remain good and supportive. The more you awaken the leader in others, the more they will accept you as a leader.

Chapter 7: The 4th Leadership Conversation: To be a Great Leader, First become a Great Person

After this Tommy and Blake went to meet the fourth teacher. Tommy said, “Blake, you’re about to meet the last teacher, then you’ll be ready to unleash the power of the leader in you and we’ll end up with each other.” Blake was shocked to hear about Tommy. He didn’t understand why Tommy said that. Tommy introduced Blake to a professional massage therapist named Jet Brisley. Jet was one of the well-known therapists of the city. He used to do what was right, that was the mantra of his life. Jet welcomed both of them with a hug.

The fourth principle was To Be a Great Leader, Become a Great Person First. That is, before becoming a great leader, be a great person. To perform extraordinarily in your work, you need to upgrade yourself and do some preparation. It is very important to focus on your mind and body. You should keep thinking of moving ahead by removing negative thoughts from inside you and forgetting the old things. 

It is a matter of great sadness that today people have associated their happiness with the things that provide comforts of the world like – luxury cars, luxurious houses, expensive gadgets. But do all these really make you happy? There is no harm in buying all these, but getting addicted to these things or getting obsessed with them is not at all right. Focus on being who you really are, not trying to be like what you have. Try to make yourself better than you are today to become a great person.

The Leader Who Had No Title by Robin Sharma

The word for this principle is SHINE –

  1. S – See Clearly – People have different views of seeing the same thing. This is because their perspective depends on their mindset. So try to see each situation clearly.
  2. H- Health is Wealth – Focus on your health. Eat good things in the right quantity at the right time. 
  3. I- Inspiration – Do the work that inspires you. It is like recharging your mind, body and emotions and filling them with energy.
  4. N- Neglect Not – Never ignore your loved ones in the affair of work. Family is very important in our life. They give us emotional support.
  5. E- Elevate your lifestyle – Try to improve your lifestyle. There is nothing wrong in living comfortably. But always keep the goal of performing your best in your work.

You must have a purpose that is greater than your personal desires. Tommy started coughing again. Blood was coming from his mouth and he was trembling badly.

All he could do was say softly, “It’s my time.” He had stopped breathing. Blake will never see him again. You can be a good leader only when you take care of your health. A healthy Adopt lifestyle. Eat well,Exercise every day,Motivate yourself,maintain a positive mindset

And forget the past and adopt the attitude of moving forward.

There is nothing wrong in living in a comfortable way, but you should not be tempted by those things. Just like we clean our house everyday, clean our mind everyday. This will give you a clear and positive way of looking at things.

First go ahead by making your own path, only then you will be able to lead others.

Chapter 8: Tommy’s last words to Blake 

Blake was shocked by the news of Tommy’s passing. He never told Blake that he had been battling a dangerous disease like cancer for many years. It was extremely difficult for Blake to accept that Tommy was no longer in this world. They had thought that they were going to work together for many years to come. The four teachers Anna, Jackson, Jett and Tye were present at Tommy’s funeral. After everyone paid tribute, Anna gave Blake a package that Tommy had left for them. Blake opened it, there was a set of keys with a letter in it. 

Tommy wrote in the letter, “Sorry for not telling anything about my illness. I didn’t want you to be disappointed by my death. Instead I want you to get inspiration from LWT principle, you learn to focus and apply this principle firmly in your life. I want you to spread these four principles to as many people as possible. Your parents were very proud of you, Blake. Keep your promise and be a leader without a title.” Those keys were in Tommy’s Porsche car. 

Blake couldn’t believe seeing the car. Tommy made a dream come true. Blake’s love for Tommy Filled with respect, he was grateful for the gift from Tommy. The lessons taught by Tommy and his four teachers filled Blake’s life and mind with happiness and peace, and the day came when he was in “Bright Mind Books”. Became the youngest Vice-President of the Book Store.


So you learned in this book how to become a leader without any title. If you become a leader with a title, then that power will also go away from you after the title is gone. So be a leader without any title. You learned about the four principles of LWT Philosophy which are:

  1. First, you don’t need a title to be a leader, 
  2. Second, hard times make great leaders. 
  3. Third, the deeper your relationships is, The Stronger your Leadership will be.
  4. Fourth, before becoming a great leader, be a good and great person. 

To apply these principles everyday, remember those four magic words which are IMAGE, SPARK, HUMAN and SHINE. It is said that knowledge grows by sharing, so now is the time to become a leader without a title and share this idea with others. 

Leadership means to stop someone when he makes a mistake and show him the right path, Leadership means to stand firm in difficult times and turning it in a positive direction. The secret to overcoming difficult times is to just keep moving forward. Being good doesn’t mean being weak. You can never create a golden future by getting stuck in the past, so forget the past and move on. Inspire people and keep doing your work with full zeal no matter what your profession or job title. Awaken the leader in you. If you do this then you will be able to live a happy and meaningful life to the fullest. 

A title can never get you respect, it only gives you authority. Be your own leader first by making your own path, then only you will be able to be the leader of others. Always remember one thing, you are a leader, no matter what you do in life, whether it is with or without a title, you are still a leader. is a leader.

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