Advice for Men

The Mindset of Men Who Succeed with Women

Many men believe that their physical appearance is the primary factor in attracting women. Thoughts like, “I don’t have the right looks,” or “I’m not tall enough, I don’t have blue eyes, or I belong to a certain ethnicity,” can lead to the assumption that they are at a disadvantage. However, this mindset is limiting and overlooks key elements that drive genuine attraction.

Here, we’ll explore why this belief is false and how men can succeed with women regardless of physical attributes.

1. Looks Aren’t Everything

It’s easy to assume that attraction is based solely on physical appearance, but real-life experience proves otherwise. Many men who don’t fit conventional beauty standards are still able to attract women. Why? Because attraction involves much more than just looks. Factors like confidence, charisma, body language, and emotional connection often play a much larger role than most realize.

Men who may not fit the stereotypical mold of attractiveness can still create attraction by mastering non-verbal cues, engaging in meaningful conversations, and developing a confident, approachable demeanor. This demonstrates that success with women is not limited to those with “model-like” appearances.

2. Challenging the Belief That Looks Are All That Matter

The belief that your looks determine your success with women is a common misconception. However, the only way to truly find out whether that belief holds up is to learn through real-life experiences. Sure, you’ll be presented with theories in this article, and you might even be skeptical of them. But the only way to test their validity is by applying them in real-world situations. Don’t just take them at face value—test them yourself.p

It’s human nature to cling to beliefs that make us comfortable, even if they aren’t based on experience. Many men haven’t approached many women, haven’t asked many women out on dates, and haven’t placed themselves in situations where a woman has to give a definitive yes or no. These beliefs are often shaped by what we’ve read on the internet, watched on YouTube, or absorbed through social conditioning. For most men, real-life experience with women is quite limited.

3. Experience Trumps Theory

Once you’ve asked out 100 women, then you’ll have a good sense of whether or not they find you attractive. It’s important to remember that women rarely make the first move. They won’t typically ask a man out, initiate a kiss, or invite him home. That’s a fact—unless you’re in a situation where you have very high social status, like being on a college football team, being a famous musician, or being the DJ in a club. In those scenarios, women may approach you. Or if you’re a physical outlier—like being 6’7″ and in the top 0.00001% of attractiveness—then yes, women might make the first move.

But for most men, women aren’t going to make the first move consistently. This is the reality we deal with.

4. Taking Action and Embracing Rejection

Unless you’ve actively gone out, tried the principles we’ll cover, and practiced the exercises, you can’t truly know what works or doesn’t work for you. You need to master the techniques, make them second nature, and ask women out in a way that forces them to say yes or no.

Only after you’ve done this repeatedly—let’s say at least 100 times—and you’re still getting rejected consistently can you say, “Okay, maybe this doesn’t work for me.”

5. Proving That It Works

But before you dismiss these ideas, I’m going to show you proof. Not just theories—actual hidden camera footage demonstrating that men, even those with every imaginable disadvantage, can still create attraction using the right techniques.

This is about more than just believing the methods will work. It’s about taking action, experimenting in the real world, and testing these techniques for yourself. You may be surprised by what you find.

The bottom line: Success with women isn’t just about looks. It’s about mindset, action, and learning from real-life experiences. With the right approach, any man can improve his chances of sparking attraction.

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