
The Road to Success: 7 Powerful Insights

My birthday has always been the perfect time to reflect on just how blessed I am and it’s also a great time to focus on even bigger goals.

I wanted to share a few of those insights with you today 🙂 

Insight #1: Success takes TIME

When I first started my journey online almost 8 years ago…I thought that I’d be where I want to be in a year or less. 

That didn’t happen and honestly…I’m glad it didn’t. 

In order to grow as an entrepreneur, you have to build your entrepreneurial “muscles”. That means going through ups and downs, learning different processes, being able to handle more stress and also being able to handle success. 

I always remember what one of my mentors told me when it comes to success. They said “Robby, it takes a lifetime.” And he was right. 


Right now you probably have big dreams and I have no doubt if you put in the work, you’ll accomplish them. But once you get there…you’ll have even bigger dreams. 

The key is to fall in love with the journey, NOT the destination. 

Insight #2: Success is 100% dependent on you 

I’m a big believer in getting coaching, joining masterminds and courses because that helps you to expand your thinking, network with great people and grow as a person. 

But that’s not enough….YOU are the only one responsible for your success. 

That means you can’t blame your lack of success on anyone or any thing…it’s 100% up to you (shocking I know). 

Now for those of you that aren’t where you want to be, I’d encourage you to take a close look at a few things…


1. Your thoughts 
2. Your friends 
3. Your actions 

If any of those 3 things aren’t in line with your goals and where you want to be…change them. 

Insight #3: Stop focusing on making money

Sounds crazy…but the more you focus on trying to make money, the lesser the chance is you’ll actually do it. 

Instead…focus on the work, the process or the idea. 

Remember, making money is a byproduct of what you are doing. 

That’s why I encourage my students to focus on my 3 step system and only focus on that because once they get it down and understand it, the money follows. 

Insight #4: Be grateful

We are all guilty of focusing on what we don’t have and where we want to be and that usually means we don’t take the time to appreciate just how good we have it. 

If you have a roof over your head, you have food on your table….you already have it better than a large portion of the world. 

Be grateful and thankful for where you are and the progress you made. 

Insight #5: Momentum is your friend 

When it comes to being successful…the hardest part is starting. 

But once you start…do EVERYTHING you can to not lose that momentum as it’s one of the biggest things that can help you succeed. 

If you are getting into the gym and working out…keep going, don’t stop. 

If you are starting online, do something every single day. 

Don’t take long breaks or weeks off…keep going. 

Insight #6: Network as much as possible 

Your network will determine your net worth…simple as that. 

Insight #7: Invest in yourself 

This is one of my biggest takeaways, if you want to be successful in anything you do, invest in it. 

Join courses, join masterminds…never hesitate investing in yourself because if you don’t do it…nobody else will do it for you. 

I hope these insights help and inspire you today! 


P.S. If you are ready to start investing in yourself so that you can have an online business…there is no better way than through my 3 step system. 

Start investing in your success here

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