Self Help

Why 90% of Your Thoughts Are Holding You Back — And How to Fix It

The average person thinks 60,000-70,000 thoughts every day, and 90% of those thoughts are the exact same thoughts as the day before. If you believe that your thoughts have anything to do with your destiny, if 90% of your thoughts are the same as the day before, then your life will stay the same.

The reason that your life will stay the same is that the same thoughts lead to the same choices. The same choices lead to the same actions; the same actions lead to the same experiences; and the same experiences create the same emotions.

By the same means, if you learn new information, wire it in your brain, and decide to use that information, you will naturally have new thoughts that lead to new choices. New choices lead to new behaviors, which create new experiences. New experiences produce new feelings and emotions, which influence new thoughts. That is evolution.

Personal Transformation Mastery: Your Personality Creates Your Personal Reality

Your personality is made up of how you think, how you act, and how you feel.

Your personality creates your personal reality.

Most people try to change their life (their personal reality) without changing themselves (their personality).


“One of the biggest problems that I discovered in the process of personal transformation is that most people try to create a new personal reality as the same personality, and it doesn’t work. You literally have to become someone else.”

In order to change your life, you have to change. You have to change your personality. You have to start thinking about what you’ve been thinking about and change it.

You have to become conscious of your unconscious habits and behaviors and modify them. You also need to become aware of how you have been feeling and emotionally reacting to the same circumstances in your life, and shift your emotional states.

Neurological Networks: The Hardware of Change

Anytime you learn something new, nerve cells or neurons in your brain make new connections and new hardware is installed to reflect what you are learning or experiencing.

There is a principle in neuroscience that says nerve cells that fire together, wire together. The repetition of firing and wiring the same thoughts, behaviors, and emotions begins to hardwire your brain into a very finite signature, which becomes your identity or personality.

When you do something over and over, the act of repeatedly firing and wiring creates a neurological network in your brain. Those clusters of neurons that have been assembled into patterns become more automatic, and in time, the hardware becomes a software program. Everything that has a neurological network in your brain is known to you.

Hardware + Repetition = Software Program

By the time you’re 35 years old, 95% of who you are is a set of unconscious, automatic, memorized programs. When it comes time to change, most people try to use 5% of their conscious mind to go against 95% of what they have memorized subconsciously.


You could say, “I’m happy, I’m healthy, I’m abundant…” but the body will never believe it. The body says, “No, you’re miserable”, because that is what it has been programmed and conditioned into being.

These new “happy” thoughts never get past the brain stem to influence the body because mind and body are in opposition. For true change to happen, you have to enter the subconscious mind where these programs exist.

You will learn how to do this in future lessons.

The Loop of Thinking and Feeling

As you think certain thoughts, the brain produces chemicals that cause you to feel exactly the way you were thinking.

Once you feel the way you think, you begin to think the way you feel. The redundancy of this cycle is the conditioning process that creates familiar hardwired thoughts in the brain and conditioned feelings in the body.

Thoughts are the language of the brain, and feelings are the language of the body, and how you think and feel creates your state of being.

The Loop of Thinking and Feeling

To change is:

  • To be greater than your environment.
  • To be greater than your body.
  • To be greater than time.

#1 Environment: The World Around You

If something in your outer world is controlling your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, it means you are a victim to the circumstances in your environment.

Most people wake up every single day and see the same people, go to the same places, and do the same things at the same time. It is no longer their personality that is creating their personal reality; their personal reality is creating their personality. Their environment is controlling the way they think, feel, and act.

When you react to the same conditions in your life, and you think and feel equal to your environment (or the same way you always do), you will keep creating the same life.

If things go well, you’ll feel good; but if things go poorly, you’ll feel bad. To change is to be greater than the circumstances in your environment.

What is the environment made of? Bodies, people, objects, things, and places. For the most part, all of these are known to you.

#2 Body: The Physical Experience

To be greater than your body means to be greater than the thinking-feeling loop that creates the conditioning process where the body has been subconsciously conditioned to become the mind of the emotions of the past.

The conscious or unconscious repetition of combining the same thoughts and feelings conditions the body to subconsciously become the mind. Now, the body is literally in the past.

You need to be greater than your unconscious habituated programs.

If you follow the same routine every day, and you think the same thoughts that lead to the same choices, and you demonstrate the same actions, which lead to the same experiences, which produce the same feelings, your body is now on autopilot, and it’s dragging you into the same predictable future based on what you did in the past.

You are living in a habit of being yourself. A habit is when you have done something so many times, you no longer have to consciously think about it.

Your body, as the subconscious mind, knows how to do it better than your conscious mind. In other words, a habit is when the body has become the mind.

In a sense, your routine life causes you to lose your free will to a series of automatic unconscious programs.

#3 Time: The Present Moment

When you stop thinking about the predictable future (the known: your schedule, where you need to be at a certain time, how you anticipate an event unfolding, etc.) or the familiar past (also the known: what happened yesterday, how you felt after something that happened a few days ago, how you replay an event in your mind, etc.), then you enter the sweet spot of the generous present moment (the unknown: where all possibilities exist).

You will learn exactly how to do this in the upcoming lessons.

Reflection: Deconstructing the Present You

In order for true change to happen, you must become familiar with your old programmed self. Become so conscious of who you have been that you don’t go unconscious ever again.

Take some time to deconstruct your present personality that is connected to your present personal reality.

What Old Thoughts Do You Need to Stop Thinking?

Thoughts like:

  • “I can’t”
  • “I don’t have enough time”
  • “I’ll start tomorrow”
  • “I want to give up”

What Habits and Behaviors Do You Need to Stop Demonstrating?

Actions like:

  • Complaining
  • Blaming others
  • Making excuses
  • Rushing through things

What Familiar Feelings Do You Need to Stop Experiencing?

How do you frequently feel?

What emotions do you experience on a regular basis?

What are the familiar feelings that keep you from believing in your future?

The first step to change is to become conscious of who you are.

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