
How to Get a Girlfriend: 12 Ways to Stand Out and Get One!

Among the many emotions that man was destined to experience, it seems that love is the best emotions ever created.

No wonder why many people are wishing to find their own true love to be happy and live a life that is full of contentment and satisfactions in spite of the many trials that life has to offer.

According to some surveys, most of the people would want to marry some day, that is why each of them are willing to go out on dates. In the U.S. alone, nearly 53% said that they have dated more than one person at the same time.

However, the concept boils down to the fact that even if dating seems to be the ideal ways to start develop a great relationship founded on true love, still it cannot be directly concluded that the activity is relatively easy.

Take for example the idea of getting a girl. Many boys are having a hard time finding the best strategy to get girls. This is because many boys also have their own fears, especially the fear of rejection.

Ever wondered why it is easier for some guys to get a girlfriend and harder for others to get one? With all things equal, looks, status, intelligence, attitude and personality make the difference. In fact, most girls even go for the personality than for anything else.

It is actually quite easy if you just overcome the initial fear and anxiety.

So for those who want to know how to get a girl and ask her on a date, here are 12 Powerful tips that will surely make you get one and have fun:

1. Create a Dazzling personality

According to some statistical reports, almost 30% of the adult population in the U.S. who are engaged into dating activities stated that the most important attribute that they are looking for in a guy is the personality. That is why most girls insist that the looks are not that important, what matters most is the personality of the person.

So if you really want to succeed in getting a girl, try to create an impression first that you have the best personality in the world. This can be projected through your sense of humor, confidence, and the way you carry the conversation with wit.

2. Be cool

The key to getting a girl should not project an air of desperation. Even if you have not dated a girl yet, try to be cool and create an impression that you want to get the girl because you like her and not because you are in desperate need of a partner.

3. Get out there

One of the most basic tips on how to get a girlfriend is to go out there and make yourself available. You will not get a girlfriend sitting around in front of the television set on Saturday nights or burying your head in a book when you should be going out with your friends or joining organizations.

The more people you meet, the more likely you will meet someone who you like and who likes you.

Also Read:- How to Approach Women – 3 Actions To Remove Your Fear

4. Be approachable

Walking around with a forbidding expression on your face will not get you a girlfriend anytime soon. Nor will constantly wearing a frown on your face. Smile, experts say, is the number one rule in how to get a girlfriend.

Look approachable. Talk to people. Of course, do not overdo it. There is a difference between being friendly and being a psycho. Trust me, the latter will not get you a girlfriend.

5. Be yourself and like what you are

The term “be yourself” may be so clichéd, it wouldn’t be cool to even think it but it is a sound advice. To get a girlfriend who will like you for who you are, make sure that you do not pretend to be someone you are not.

Put your best qualities into the forefront. If you are good in the Arts, develop your talent. Girls like guys who have their things going on.

6. Fix the body language

Whether you believe it or not, communication is 25 percent verbal and 75 percent nonverbal. Your body talks more than your mouth does. This can help you get a girlfriend, that is if you have your signals right.

Sometimes, you might be saying one thing but your body is showing another. On how to get a girlfriend, guys should know how their bodies talk.

7. Know the body language

Just as you are sending body signals, so does your potential girlfriend. One of the few things that you should master in how to get a girlfriend is a woman’s body language. Know when a girl is interested or not.

Study their body language, how their eyes meet yours and how they lean towards you.

8. Talk

You will never get to know the person and will never get a girlfriend if you open that mouth and strike a conversation.

Make an effort to talk to her. One good conversation starter is probably an assignment in your class or a book review that you both have.

9. Find a common ground

Getting along with another person will be easier if you two share something in common, be it a TV show or something that you enjoy doing.

At the risk of being a stalker, observe what she likes doing. Is she into sports? What kind of books does she read? What does she do with her free time?

10. Be ready for rejections

The problem with most people, especially guys, is that they have too high expectations when it comes to dating and relationships. In fact, almost 62% of those who are into dating have asserted that the people’s probabilities and expectations are very high these days.

Hence, it is a must that people must learn how to face rejections, especially men, so that getting girls would be easier. Keep in mind that girls can still say no even if you have the best car, good looks, and dazzling personality.

ALSO READ :- How to Deal with Rejection from a Woman

If in case you were not able to get the girl that you want, try to reflect what might have been the cause why she had rejected you. Also, there are still other girls out there that you can turn to, so do not be despaired.

11. Consider the “No” of the girl

There are many cases wherein a girl might say “no” for two possible reasons: one is that she does not like you, and the second reason is that she wants to go out with you but not tonight. These are two different situations that must be clearly understood.

The problem with some guys is that they take it personally whenever they receive some forms of rejections. So it is better to analyze the situation and the intention of the girl by saying “NO.”

12.. Be casual

The best way to get a girl is to make her feel that the date would be very casual and would not necessarily involve a conventional date or anything that would imply romantic involvement.

What matters most is for the girl to enjoy her time with you such that if both of you stand a chance of having a good relationship in the future, the memory of your first date should have been vested on good recall.

The bottom line is that guys should never make the girls feel pressured in saying “yes” every time they are being asked to go out. What matters most in getting a girl is to make it sure that the person concerned will be comfortable and would feel that she will be in good hands.


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